Page 116 of Winning Play
Spencestood and stretched in the library after an hour’s review for upcoming exams.Hismind drifted toKimand his continued inability to reach her.Overa week had passed sinceDavedelivered his message—warning?—time to get creative.Callhim for advice?WishIknewLaurenwell enough to ask her to set up a meeting.ToddandEricnever revealed howDaveconvinced them to cooperate.NotthatSpencehad pushed them very hard.Heknew he’d needed that wake-up shove.
Witheach passing day,Spencequestioned if he’d severedKim’strust.He’dtried every scenario that he and his roommates suggested; now he needed to find a way to convince—beg?—Kimto see him before the conference tournament.Heneeded her to know and believe that the upcoming games and tournament play meant nothing if she was not part of his life.
Onlytwo weeks remained in the season.Timeto swallow my pride and ask for help.
Afterbrainstorming with his roommates, he askedDr.TomforCassie’snumber.
“DoIneed to ask your intentions?”Tomasked, a hint of amusement in his voice after they exchanged hello’s.
“I… um… screwed things up withKim.I’mhopingCassiewould consider helping me set up a face-to-face meeting withKim.”Spencecoughed in embarrassment.
“Whatthe hell did you do,Spencer?Willthis cause friction betweenCassieand me with theMartins?”
“Davetold me to get my shit together.”Spencepaused, then laughed without humor. “Ididn’t thinkIhad time for baseball andKim.”
Tomdidn’t speak for a moment. “Nowyou believe you do?”
“IfI’ddevoted as much time to our relationship asIhave trying to make things right between us, there’s no problem.Iknow we can make “us” work.Ican prioritizeKimwhile still playing my best baseball.Thanksto her organization system,I’vecompleted my assignments and am ready for exams.”
“Ihope you can work this out.I’lltalk toCassie—she’s very creative… if she believes you’re sincere.Expecta phone call.”
Kimread each text, listened to each voice message, and received every gift of flowers, snacks, and food without trying to conceal a smile.ShemissedSpence… her heart ached.AmItaking this “break” too far?Willthis destroy “us” forever?Ican’t act likeIdid withFinn—how often didFinnshower me with gifts and promise to never again cancel plans without explanation—ifI’dgive him another chance?
Sheknew in her heart thatSpencehad not acted likeFinn.Hesincerely believed he needed to focus his concentration and energy on taking care of his team, leading them to the conference championship… and, hopefully, theNationalChampionship.I’mwith him in spirit.He’splaying the bestI’veever seen—but amIimagining that joy no longer radiates from him on-field?
Couldshe risk hearing him out?Whatif he changes his mind… again?Shecould handle the “pause” through the end of the season.Butcould her heart survive if this pause continued untilSpencerealized he no longer wanted—needed?—her at his side?
Asurprise phone call turned theSuns’Saturdayafternoon game into a bright light at the end of a dull week.CassiecalledKimto invite her to attend the game with her.
“Tomneeds to go to the hospital after the game—Ithought we might grab a meal afterward if you’re free.”
“I’dlove that,”Kimsaid. “Weneed to catch up.Idon’t want to think how long it’s been since we chatted.”
“Toolong,”Cassieagreed with a laugh. “Hey, could we use those seats near the bench?”
“Absolutely—Iprefer it to sitting in the suite.Geta better feel for the game.”
“I’venever sat anywhere except the suite,”Cassiesaid. “AndIget distracted and usually don’t even watch the game.Maybeyou could teach me the basics?”
“Ibet you know more than you admit,”Kimsaid. “But, bring any questions.Whattime do you want to meet?”
“We’llpick you up.Tomwants to see you before he meets with both teams’ trainers.”
“I’llenjoy that!Thanks,Cassie—you just made my day.”
“Thenyou need to get out more often,KimMartin!”
Cassie’soff-handed comment stuck withKimfor the rest of the day.Withoutknowing,Cassieverbalized the self-induced solitary existenceKimhad chosen over the past few weeks.Ipromised myselfI’dnever fall back into that habit again.Certainlynot because of a guy—didIlearn nothing from my experience withFinn?Noneed to avoidSpence—no one cares ifI’mwith him.We’restill friends—with no benefits.AndI’mokay with that.
Surprisedto seeKimon campus,Spencefought the urge to approach her or let his eyes linger too long.Whentheir glances met, he offered a smile, andKimresponded with a quick wave, but she didn’t stop, change directions, or indicate a desire to talk.Atleast she acknowledged him and didn’t look away.
“What’syour game plan forSaturday?”Ericasked as they walked toward their dorm after practice.
“IfKimagrees to talk with me…”Hisvoice trailed off as he shrugged with a wry smile. “Ihope to persuade her to end this idiotic pause…I’mnot too proud to grovel.”
“Youthought about telling her how you feel?”