Page 117 of Winning Play
“I’llremind her thatIstill feel… a lot… for her.”
“Youmean you love her, don’t you?” his friend challenged.
Spencerubbed his neck. “Idon’t know.Wehaven’t said the words…”Helooked atEric. “Maybe?”
Marsdenslapped his shoulder before he swiped his entry card for the dorm. “Friendlyadvice?Figurethat out before you see her.”Hewalked ahead and looked over his shoulder. “Thegrand gesture always helps, according to my sister.”
“Careto elaborate,Mars?”
Toddappeared besideSpence. “Somethingcreative,County.Showher how much she means to you.Comeon, we’ll help you brainstorm.”
Laterthat evening,Eric’squestion lingered inSpence’sthoughts.DoIloveKim?We’veonly known each other for months…Toosoon?Heknew that love didn’t follow a set timeline and admitted that what he felt forKimaffected him in ways he’d never experienced.Fromthe day he first spotted her runningupthe stairs with that massive bucket of popcorn, she’d claimed a piece of his heart.Whenshe tripped, and that tub of popcorn flipped up and launched its contents, he reached for her instinctively.Thethought ofKimcrashing against the concrete caused his quick move.ThankGod,Ireached her in time.Worththe few popcorn stains on my shirt.Man, she looked gorgeous, even with popcorn decorating her hair.
Hesmiled, remembering her embarrassment and self-mocking apology.Hehadn’t forgotten the jolt of electricity that sparked when his hands grasped her shoulders.Don’tremember what we said—exceptIneglected to get her phone number.Wouldour paths have crossed again if the baseball team hadn’t helped with move-in day in the residence halls?Maybe?ButIwouldn’t have had the chance to take her on the campus tour, would not have invited her to our first practice game, nor discovered her talent for keeping score.CoachKimmay have remained anonymous—a huge loss for the team—and me.
Spencesighed, sudden longing and emptiness flooding through him.Hepushed the unopened textbooks aside and leaned against the pillows at the headboard.Howcould he doubt what he felt for the intelligent, gorgeous, witty, and empathetic woman who’d agreed—twice—to pause their growing relationship due to his insecurity?Didhe genuinely believe he could not adequately fulfill his responsibilities to the team while in a relationship?Kim—a distraction?Todd’swords drifted through his mind.“Barb’smy touchstone.”Keepshim grounded.Spencenow recognized the wisdom in his words.Toolate?
Heclosed his eyes as wave after wave of memories engulfed him.Dinnerswith the guys, study sessions, organizing the volleyball tournament, confrontingFinn.Enjoyedthe fake-dating more thanIshould have, especially those non-platonic kisses.Then, when she suffered that concussion…Iknew my feelings had grown beyond friendship.Butlove?Maybe?MorethanI’vefelt for anyone…MaybeIdo loveKim.
Anidea percolated in his brain.Couldget complicated, but…Spencegrabbed a notebook and started jotting down ideas.
Excitedby the thought of spending the afternoon and evening withCassie,Kimcarefully checked her small, clear cross-body bag.ShehadDave’stickets, arena credentials, residence key card, andID.Shetucked a credit card and her phone inside before zipping it shut.ShegrabbedDave’sjersey and headed for the pick-up zone at the back side of the building.
Onlyfifteen minutes early.She’dlooked forward to this game—theSunshad only a few remaining in the regular season.Withthe division and conference races too close to call, each game could decide home-ice advantage throughout the playoffs.
Shehadn’t discussed hockey withDavelately—she knew he felt tense at this time during the season.He’dstarted his playoff beard not long ago, but he wouldn’t go all bushy like some players.Laurencalled him her mountain man as soon as his scruff began to fill in.ShouldIbang the glass when we go to our seats?Neverattended a game this late in the season.Couldit jinx him?Orwill it jinx him ifIdon’t?Jeez, the pressure…
Shewaved when she sawTomandCassie’scar enter the pick-up zone.Shehadn’t seenTomsince her final checkup when he cleared her to resume all activities.Hestepped from the car and greeted her with a hug.
“Greatto see you,Kim!Cassie’ssuper excited about sitting so close to the ice.Readyto teach her everything she needs to know about hockey?”
Kimlaughed asTomopened the door, and she slid into the back seat. “Cassieknows hockey.Betweenyou andDave,I’mpretty sure she has more than a basic knowledge about the game.Right,Cass?”
Cassiereached to squeezeKim’shand. “WhateverIknow is from osmosis,Kim.Sohappy this worked out.Imiss our girl talk.”
“Me, too;Iget so caught up in my courses thatIforget to take a break.Ifeel like that song.Doesanyone really know what day it is—or is it what time?”Kimshook her head with a giggle. “I’msoglad you called,Cassie.”
Whenthey arrived at the arena,KimhandedCassieher ticket. “Youcan meet me at the seats once you’ve completed the pre-game setup withTom.”Shelooked atTom. “Hopeyou have a veryboringafternoon,Doctor.”
“Hopeso, but any games within the division tend to get chippy this time of year.SendtheSunsgood vibes, okay?”
Kimwaved, took the elevator to the concourse, and paused at the top of the stairs to the lower bowl.Thechilled air invigorated her, and she quickly descended the stairs to her seat.She’dmissed watching the game up close.She’djoinedLaurenin the family suite during the games she attended withoutSpence.Notthe same atmosphere.Sheflipped through the game program as she perched against her seat.Findingthe playoff schedule, she noted the possibility of theFCUConferenceTournamentcoinciding withSunshome games.HopeIdon’t have to make that decision.
Sheheard skates cutting across the ice as theSunsemerged from the tunnel.Shewatched the warmups but didn’t approach the ice untilDaveglanced in her direction and raised his eyebrows with a question.Kimmimicked hitting the glass with both hands, and her brother grinned with a slight nod.
Bitingback a grin, she skipped down the few rows and gave the glass a good whack… make that two whacks.Shegiggled when he completed his side of the tradition with an impressive ice spray.
“Youdoing good,HalfPint?”Shesaw the affectionate smirk cross his face.
“Alwaysgreat whenIcan embarrass you before a game.”
“Yougotta do better than that,Kimmy.”
“WaituntilCassiejoins me.I’llteach her the cheersIcan’t use in the suite.”
Shakinghis head with a laugh,Davecorralled a puck and flipped it over the glass to her.Kimcaught it and threatened to toss it back. “Putit in the net, okay?”
Beforehe skated off,Davelooked overKim’sshoulder and waved.Cassiegrinned when she stepped besideKim.