Page 118 of Winning Play
“Youguys are too cute,” she said as she handedKima large tub of popcorn. “Pregameritual?”
Kimlaughed. “Yeah, back whenIused to embarrass him when he played junior hockey.”Sheeyed the tub she held. “Hungrymuch?”
Cassieshrugged. “Laurensaid something about how much you liked the popcorn at the arena.”ShetouchedKim’sshoulder. “Sit.Beback in a few with some drinks.”
“Oh… okay, thanks.”Puzzled, she stepped to her seat.Don’tremember tellingLaurenabout that.Maybeshe assumed it from theGreatPopcornDisaster?Kimpopped a few kernels into her mouth as she settled into her seat.Herfirst night inTampafelt like a lifetime ago.Somuch has happened.Crashinginto thatOMGorgeousguy and dumping all that popcorn on him.Thatcrackle of electricity when his hands grabbed my shoulders to keep me from falling… those hypnotic blue… deep blue… eyes… and the crooked smile.Kimfelt herself growing warm just thinking about the encounter.NeverthoughtI’dsee him again…Shefelt she’d known him for much longer than a few months.Soulmatescrossed her mind, butKimshrugged that thought away.Hardly…Justsome romantic notion.Youknow better than that,Martin.
Kim’shand brushed against paper nestled amidst the popcorn…some note?Howdid it get in this…Kimpulled it out and examined an envelope.Shesaw nothing besides a few butter stains—maybe she’d won a random contest or something.Openingthe envelope, she pulled out a sheet of folded paper.
Fora moment,Kimshivered asFinnflashed through her mind.That’scrazy—Finncould never pull this off.Sheunfolded the paper and recognizedSpence’shandwriting—a mixture of print and cursive.
Pleasedon’t blameCassie.Shehas no idea what the envelope contains.Thisis the only wayIcould think to get a message to you.Pleasedon’t toss it in the trash…IknowIscrewed up.Idon’t blame you for avoiding me and not answering my texts or calls.Iacted like a fool and put all my insecurities on you.
Kimtook a deep breath before reading further.Insecurities?Spence?Sheconsidered folding the paper and hiding it in her purse.Butlike a moth drawn toward a light, her eyes focused on the words.
Ineglected the most caring, understanding, and patient womanI'veever known…IthoughtIcould control the team’s success ifIconcentrated one hundred percent on baseball and the team…IfIdenied myself what’s most important to me—you—then all the team’s problems would disappear.Yeah,Ibelieved that—superstitious.Idiotic.Eachday’s more painful than the last without you to talk to and face these obstacles together.
IknowIhurt you.Ihate if that reminds you of your ex.Inever meant to manipulate you.EventhoughIfelt overwhelmed, there’s no excuse for whatIdid.Idon’t expect you to forgive me.Butcould we meet in person soIcan apologize directly and try to make things right—give us a chance to talk things through.
Ifafter that, you never want to see me again,I'llrespect your wishes.Justknow thatI'mfully aware of whatIstand to lose, andI'lldo whatever it takes to prove myself to you.I’llbe at the picnic tables near the food trucks later this evening.Don’tchange your plans—I’llstay as long as it takes.
Shesniffled when she saw he had signed the note with his complete name.Kimbrushed at her cheeks as she stared at the paper, the words swimming in her vision.Partof her wanted to callSpenceand tell him she wanted to see him; another part wanted to build a wall around her heart and not risk having it shattered again.Athird part urged her to hear whatSpencehad to say—did she value their relationship enough to chance a face-to-face talk?
Takinga deep breath,Kimfolded the paper and placed it in her bag.Noneed to decide now.Shesmiled whenCassiehanded her a drink before sitting beside her.
“Areyou angry with me?”Cassieflashed a hesitant smile.
“Ofcourse not,”Kimassured her. “It’shard to resist thatSpencersmile.”
“Tellme about it.Iknow nothing about the note’s contents, but either it’s a unique romantic gesture or amea culpa.”
Kimlaughed as she offered the popcorn toCassie. “Somethinglike that.”
“Doyou want to leave?”
“Nope.I’mnot risking putting a jinx onDave’sgame today.”
Spencedidn’t know when or ifKimwould meet him, but after the game, he settled on a picnic bench with his back to the table.He’dwait as long as it took to talk withKim.Thecourtyard area, usually bustling with students, was deserted.Heknew most students had headed off campus to enjoy weekend plans.HedeclinedToddandEric’soffer to hang out with him—no need for them to cancel their plans.Hismistake to attempt to rectify.
Hehoped to find the right words to express his sorrow and regret and then articulate his feelings forKim.He’dwritten the note, expressing his regrets, emotions, and hopes, but hadn’t reread it before sealing it in the envelope.IfCassiehadn’t agreed to serve as his courier,Spencewould have had to buy a ticket to the game and give it to her himself.Ambushingher in a public space could have backfired.Spectacularly.
HopeKimrealizes the words came from my heart.KnowIdon’t deserve her forgiveness.Don’texpect it.Butif she finds a way to give me another chance,I’llshow her each day that she’s the most important person in my life.I’llnever again put her second to baseball—or anything else.She’snever asked that of me, butIdon’t think she expected me to ignore her becauseIthought the team had to come first.
Hevowed not to look at his watch.Hedidn’t care how long it took.Beforethe fresh food service closed, he’d purchased a couple of wraps and water bottles.Spenceleaned back against the table and unwrapped a sandwich.Heresolved to stay until curfew for the chance to seeKim.
Cassiestood and clapped as the game's three stars skated onto the ice.Kimglanced at the family suite when the announcer namedAndrewthe first star.
“Ican just pictureJennaandDannycheering for their dad,” she said as a warm feeling spread throughout her chest.
Cassieagreed with a laugh. “Theycrack me up with their hockey knowledge—especiallyDanny.Nexttime you see him, ask him about his dad’s goals and assists.”
“Dothey skate yet?”
“Naturals.Youshould have seen them scooting around on the ice during the teamChristmasparty.Danny’slike a little freight train.Jenna’snot quite that aggressive.”CassiemetKim’sgaze. “Doyou have time to grab dinner?Ineed to dropTomat the hospital first, and then we could eat somewhere near campus.”Asmile tugged at her lips. “But, if you want to return to campus,Tomcan drop you off, andI’llcatch a ride with one of our friends…”