Page 119 of Winning Play

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Page 119 of Winning Play

“I’denjoy dinner,Cassie, but how wouldTomget home?”

Sheshrugged. “Ican pick him up, or he’ll take anUber.”Cassiepaused. “ButI’lltake a raincheck if the popcorncontainedan intriguing message?”Herwink causedKimto giggle.

“Let’sgo down to the family area—Idon’t want to cause eitherTomor you to get stranded,” she suggested.

“AndIwant to ensureIfulfill my duties as a courier.”

Kimshook her head with a smile. “Five-star review, don’t worry.”

Kimdecided to eat dinner at theCenterIceLoungeafterDaveandLaurenoffered to drop her off on campus and giveCassiea ride home.Sheneeded time to think before she met withSpence.Yes, she would see him and listen to what he wanted to say.Spendingtime withCassieand her family helped to calm the nerves that nipped the fringes of her mind.

Noone mentionedSpence, and the conversation flowed from topic to topic.Davedeclared speculation about the upcoming playoffs off-limits.

“Weget it,Dave,”Kimsaid. “Noone wants to jinx anything.”Inturn, she gave vague answers regarding her internship applications.Shedidn’t mention that her advisor had scheduled on-campus interviews with several area sports teams.Thepositions ranged from sports information assistant forFCUto media relations internships with theSuns, theGullsMLBteam, areaAHLhockey, and minor league baseball teams.Shehoped to land a position without usingDave’sorLauren’snames.Untilshe’d completed the interviews, she tried to view all opportunities as equally important.

“Justlike your brother,”Laurenteased with a wink. “Justremember the offer stands if you want references fromCarynor me.”

Later, whenDavewalkedKimto her dorm, he ventured, “YouandSpencedoing okay?Youdidn’t mention him.”

“We’reboth busy wrapping up semester projects,Spenceeven more so with baseball heading toward the tournament.”Kimkept her tone light.

“I’lltry to make one of the remaining games—check our schedules for me,HalfPint?”

Kimchuckled. “YouknowIwill,Dave.Thanksfor dinner and the win.”Sheturned for a hug before pulling out her key card.

Davewrapped her in his big brother hug. “Ifyou need anything, call me,Kimmy.Okay?”

Shenodded. “Sure.Thanks, brother.”

Asdusk descended on the campus,Spencechanced taking a break to go inside and splash water on his face.Healso bought another water bottle and a couple of brownies that tempted him.Heset the package on the picnic table and completed a few more laps around the food trucks.Kimwill knowI’mhere when she sees the food.Ineed to get my blood moving again.

Whenhe returned to the bench, the sun had dropped low enough in the sky to disrupt his eyesight.Hepulled his baseball cap lower over his eyes and leaned back against the table.Hestill refused to check the time.Hoursbefore curfew.Hesquinted against the sun and closed his eyes.Relaxfor just a while…

Hedidn’t hear anyone approach, butSpencestartled awake when a hand touched his shoulder.Atfirst, his sunglasses prevented him from seeing who stood there.Hesnatched them from his face and blinked while his eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding him.

“Popcorn?”Hecringed when his voice sounded hoarse.

“Hi,Spence.Ididn’t mean to sneak up on you—you didn’t hear me whenIsaid your name.I’msorry.”

“Don’t.”Spencesprang to his feet. “Thanksfor coming,Kim.”

Sheflashed a teasing smile. “Howcould a girl resist such a creative delivery?”

“Iwouldn’t blame you if you…”

Kimtouched his lips. “Stop.Iwouldn’t be here ifIdidn’t want to talk.”

Spenceresisted the urge to draw her into his arms.Hehoped he didn’t sound as awkward as he felt. “Doyou mind taking a walk?Orwe can sit here…”

“Walkingsounds good.Ineed to exercise—Ican’t resist theCenterIceLounge’sappetizers.Whereto?”

DoesKimfeel awkward, too?Spenceoffered his hand, and she accepted it after a split-second hesitation.Heturned to face her. “First,I’msorryIacted like a jackass,Kim.Iknow now that pushing you away was the worst decision ever.Noexcuses.IbelievedIcould put the team in the tournament by committing every minute to the game…Whatan arrogant asshat.IknowIhurt you—IthoughtIcould make it up to you after the season.”

Hebrushed his hand across her cheek. “Imade a reckless decision thatI’llregret forever.Iturned away from the one personIneeded by my side.Together, we can face anything—apart,Ilearned quicklyImake mistake after mistake.Kim,Idon’t expect you to forgive me.”Heshook his head when she started to speak. “I’mpraying that you’ll find a way to give me another chance, give us a way to start fresh.Nopretend dating, no playing a role, or hiding howIfeel about you.Ifyou agree,I’llspend every day trying to become the man you deserve.I’llshare my thoughts and feelings—good or not—with you.”

Herested his palm against her cheek. “Ifyou tell me you don’t want to explore our relationship,I’llrespect your decision.”

Kimcovered his hand with hers, her eyes glistening with emotion. “Let’swalk,Spence.”

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