Page 121 of Winning Play
Hestifled a chuckle. “That’syour shortcut?Feelslike we walked a mile longer than necessary.”
“You’venever had to deal with the crowds before the game,ChathamSpencer.Thisway,Iavoid ‘party central’ and get to my seat before the game starts.”Shepoked his chest playfully. “Noteveryone gets access to the special entry doors.”
“Easy… come to my room before games, andI’llsneak you in the team entrance.”
“WithToddandEric?I’mnot messing with the pre-game rituals,”Kimsaid, suppressing a giggle.
“Noone in our suite’s superstitious.”
“Uh-huh,”Kimreplied. “Ifyou say so.”
“There’sone thingIwant to show you.”Spencenodded toward the other side of the stadium. “Privatetour of the locker room?”
“Oh, you’re making me an offerIcan’t possibly refuse.”
Spencehooked his arm aroundKim’sshoulders and led her inside the players’ entrance and down the hall to the locker room.Shelooked around and nodded. “Firstclass.Ilike the logo on the floor.”
“Justdon’t step on it,” he warned, suppressing a grin.
“Oh, of course not.”Kimjumped back a few feet. “Whichis your space?”
Spenceguided her around the cubicles until she saw his uniforms hanging—tidy and ready for the next game.Practiceuniforms hung beside them, andKimsaw his cleats and glove neatly placed on a shelf.
“Doyou have a backup glove?Asecond pair of shoes?Justin case you have a malfunction?”Kimteased.
“Yep.”Spenceslipped a jersey from a hanger and offered it toKim. “Ialways make sureIhave two sets broken in just the wayIlike them.Letme see you in aStormSurgejersey.”Heheld it so she could slip her arms through it and started to fasten the buttons.Hemoved back and crossed his arms as she looked down at herself.
“Thisisn’t your jersey… way too small.It’snumber seven, though?”Shelooked at him with a questioning look on her face. “Didyou have this when you were a kid?Alucky jersey?”
Spenceshook his head and crooked his finger, beckoning her toward him.Heled her into an adjoining room with a mirror. “Youlook adorable,” he commented. “No, not my jersey—it’s brand new.”Heturned her gently so the back of the jersey faced the mirror. “Lookover your shoulder.”
Hewatched her face as she tried to look. “CoachKim,” she read, her expression reflecting surprise. “Howdid you do this?”Shecraned her neck for a better view, a smile lighting up her face.
“It’sfrom the team.Allthe guys wanted you to have a jersey.CoachRamirezapproved the idea and supplied it.It’sa little large, but…”Kimcut him off when she threw her arms around him.
“Ilove it!Myown jersey… wait, your number’s on it?”
“Didn’twant to see you wearing anyone else’s number,Popcorn.Thismakes you an official member of our team.Youcan use the team entrance now.”Hecouldn’t resist teasing her. “Coachdrew the line at you sitting in the dugout while you keep score.Idon’t think he wants to censor his language.”
Hehugged her and took her hand. “Comeon,I’llshow you how we get to the dugout.”
Kimlooked around in wonder when she stepped on the grass. “Looksso much bigger from here.”Thefull moon lit the field in the evening dusk. “Showme the view from shortstop.”
Spenceled her to his usual spot on the back edge of the infield dirt. “Now, you show me how you’d play the position.”
Kimgiggled as she opened her stance and half crouched with her hands on her knees, her feet ready to move in either direction.
“Jeez,Kim, you play baseball, too?Coachwill give you my spot.”
“Hardly,” she retorted. “Besides,Iplayed first base.Ican’t throw far enough to be a shortstop.”
Spencetossed a box toward her. “Head’sup.”
Kimsnatched it and looked at him quizzically. “What’sthis?”
Hestepped beside her and took the box from her hand. “Kim,Itold youI’llback off if you tell me there’s no chance for us.Beforeyou say anything,Iwant you to know how much you mean to me.”Heraised her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You’remy best friend… you know me better than anyone.You’rethe personIwant to help me organize my life… draft, no draft, whatever happens after graduation.Iwant to explore the future with you—no matter what we do or where we decide to go.Youown my heart,KimberlyMartin, and if you tell me to get lost,I’llleave it with you.”