Page 122 of Winning Play
HesawKimstart to speak and shook his head, pressing his finger against her lips. “Idon’t just ‘really really’ like you.’”Hebegan to open the box. “Ilove you.Idon’t expect you to say anything right now.ButIwant to give you this ring.Itholds my promise thatI’llbe waiting if you ever want to explore the future with me.Aslong as it takes.”
Heheld the open box toward her.Asilver infinity ring sparkled in the moonlight. “Apromise ring if you’ll accept it.”
HewatchedKim’seyes fill with tears as she met his gaze.Shetried to speak, then shook her head.Hisheart clenched.She’ssaying no?Kimswiped at her eyes as she stepped toward him, took his hand, and stared at the box.Sheshook her head again, then flung her arms around his neck.Hecould barely understand her words as she sobbed.
“Yes,Spence…”Shebroke off, struggling to catch her breath, and buried her face against his chest. “I… love…you.”
Hehad to make sure he’d heard her correctly. “Youdon’t want me to get lost?”
Sheshook her head, then pushed back, smiling through the tears. “OfcourseIdon’t.Please, put this promise ring on my finger.”Sheheld a shaking hand toward him.
Spencegrasped her hand to stop the trembling, then slid the ring onto her finger. “IpromiseIwant a future with you,KimberlyMartin.”
“IpromiseIwant that same future,ChathamJohnSpencer.”Reachingfor his shoulders,Kimlifted on her toes to kiss him.Spenceswept her into his arms, lifting her until their lips collided in a fevered expression of the promise that no matter the direction, they would journey toward the future together.
Spencestood on the steps of the dugout, gazing at the packed stands, but refrained from trying to locate his family.Heknew the general location of their seats but refused to risk breaking his concentration.HeandKimhad discussed it, andSpencechuckled, recalling her edict.
“Donot look at me or make eye contact,Spence!”Shetried to suppress a giggle. “Whenyou hit a home run,I’llembarrass you with my unladylike cheers and whistles.”Sheplaced her hands against his chest. “Youcan pretend you don’t know that obnoxious fan.”
Spenceenveloped her in his arms. “Youcan never embarrass me,Popcorn.Justsend positive vibes to everyone on the team.”Hekissed her forehead.
“Andperhaps a hex or two toward theJays.”
“Uh… maybe keep that to yourself, babe.”Hehugged her against his chest. “I’llfind you after the game.”
Heturned his attention to his teammates milling about in the dugout.ToddandErickept the guys loose, staying close to those who did not play in the tournament last year.Spencetried to check in with each player, reminding them to have fun and enjoy every moment of the game.
“Mostcollege players never get the chance to experience playing for the national title—and we’re the experienced team here.Let’stake advantage of that.”
Eventhough her internship with theFCUSportsInformationDepartmentdidn’t officially begin until after theNationalChampionshipTournament,Kimwas invited to travel to the tournament’s final rounds held at the extra-large minor league spring training facility inWestPalmBeach.
Herassignment—to shadow the director of sports information,AnnetteSavall—provided an opportunity to learn how the department operated.TheNationalTournamentCommitteeprovided an online portal for media access, providing each team’s information, including season and tournament statistics and player biographies with individual statistics.Annettealso preparedFCUmedia packets for those wanting a physical copy.Kimassisted in swapping the pages containing updated team information, statistics, and starting line-ups before each game.
Thehectic pace lasted a few hours before each game, and thenAnnetteinsistedKimjoin theSpencerfamily in the stands to watch the games.Spence’sparents,KathrynAnnandJohnSpencer, welcomed her warmly when they met the evening before the final round’s first game.HissisterSavannahbeamed a knowing smile whenSpenceintroduced her—Kimlaughed inwardly when she saw the warning glanceSpencedirected toward his younger sister.
Afterher first meal withSpence’sfamily,Kimrelaxed and enjoyed the friendly banter.Withhis limited free time,Spencereserved time for just the two of them.Theywalked around the vast complex, exchanging anecdotes about their day.
“Davestill bummed about theSuns’ loss in theConferenceFinal?”Spenceasked the evening before the championship game.
Kimsqueezed his hand. “Hesays he’s proud of the team and the season—the usual media line.I’msuper disappointed, but you knowDavedoesn’t want to hear that.”Shemet his eyes with a smile. “Thegood news?HeandLaurencan watch theSurgetake the…”Spencepressed his fingers against her lips as he shook his head.
Kimsuppressed a giggle. “…Iwas going to say ‘take the field’—don’t worry!”
“Justmaking sure,”Spencesaid as he kissed her forehead. “Anynews from your parents?”
“They’rereturning toVancouverbut said they’ll watch the game.Theysend good luck vibes,”Kimsaid with a smile. “Youcompletely charmed them with yourSouthernGentleman’smanners.”
Spencelaughed quietly. “I’mglad it worked out for me to attend one of theSuns’ playoff games.Youhave a great family,Popcorn.”
“Sodo you.I’mgladDaveandLaurendecided to come over for tomorrow’s game.”
“Wecan use all the good vibes, for sure.”Spencewrapped his arms aroundKimand pulled her against his chest. “Wheredo you need to meetAnnette?”
“IntheFCUpress center in a few minutes.”Kimpulled back and met his eyes. “Iwon’t see you before the game tomorrow,Spence.ShallIgive you my good luck kiss now?”