Page 19 of Winning Play

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Page 19 of Winning Play

“Ihope we’re on our way to the national tournament,”Spencesaid. “Let’sconcentrate on that.”Noway would he admit he disagreed with his friends, but he didn’t considerKim“one of the guys.”Notin any sense of the word.Shelooked adorable in her baseball cap, teamT-shirt, and shorts, yet completely feminine.Eventhough she tried to tame her thick, chestnut hair with a ponytail, stray hair often framed her face.Herbright, expressive, dark-brown eyes drew him in every time their eyes met.Heknew he didn’t think of her as “just a friend,” but he tried not to show it.

Betternot to start anything beyond our friendship—especially if there’s some guy back inVancouver.Maybethey broke up recently?Orshe might still have feelings?Fornow,I’llstay friends—butIdon’t thinkIcan treat her like one of the guys.Ever.

Aftera casual meal,Kimrelaxed in the screened outdoor living area with her brother andLauren, enjoying the company and the delicious frozen margaritas thatDavemixed for them.

“Dave,Idon’t know how you can make such delicious drinks without tasting them,” she said as she leaned back on a wicker chaise lounge.

“Ihave my taste tester, who’s very picky.”Davereturned with a smile directed towardLauren.Hesipped his beer, then set the bottle on the side table. “Youknow, theAll-Starbreak’s coming up at the beginning ofFebruary.We’vediscussed possibly joining a group from the team going to an all-inclusive resort inMexico, south ofCancun.”

“Notwarm enough here inTampa?”Kimteased.

“It’splenty warm here,”Laurensaid. “Afew couples went there last year and couldn’t stop talking about this place.Notnear the city or crowded beaches, it’s like staying in a rain forest… lush foliage, small river, private villas.There’sa private beach, but it’s not the major attraction.”

“Whatis?”Kim’sexpression showed her confusion. “WhenIhearCancun,Ithink college kids, wild beach parties, drugs…”

Davenodded. “Me, too, untilIchecked their website.It’sa relaxation center, a place to de-stress…”

“Ourvilla has a privateZengarden with running water over pebbles,”Laurencontinued, her green eyes reflecting her anticipation. “Plus, a plunge pool.You’dnever know it’s inCancun… or any vacation destination.Suchprivacy,” she finished with a sigh. “I’llshow you the site on my iPad.”

“So,Dave, you’re that confident you’re not heading toSeattlefor theAll-StarGame?”Kimloved to tease her brother.

“Alwaysan honor,”Davereplied with a wink, “but the younger guys deserve and enjoy it more.”

“Youwon’t decline the invitation to play—risk disappointing the family, especially our nephews?”Kimside-eyedLauren, who bit back a giggle.

“Ofcourse not,”Davereplied, then took a long drink of beer. “I’dneed to claim an injury or illness, thenI’dhave to miss a regular season game.Besides, it’s an honor, andIwould never disrespect that.ButIcan hopeI’mnot selected.”

“MomandDadwould never forgive you if you didn’t play that close to home.”

“Yep, butIcan hope for a quiet, restful week.”Davestood to put his bottle in the recycle container. “Refill, anyone?”

“I’mgood,”Kimsaid, andLaurenechoed her response.

“Doyou think the family will schedule a weeklong visit toTampaif you aren’t selected for theAll-StarGame?”Kimasked, her lips quirking slightly.

“Probably,”Davesaid. “Butwe put a non-refundable deposit on our accommodations.”

“Sneaky.”KimknewDaveandLaurenwelcomed family visits and often traveled toVancouverfor the bye-week.Shealso knew how hectic and distracting her family got during gatherings.Dave’sa low-key person and beyond generous with his entire family… well, except forJake, who declines any financial perks since he has his multi-million dollar contract.Davedoesn’t care—he wants to share whatever he has with those he loves.Ihope he andLaurenget a relaxing week at the resort.Theydeserve some “alone time.”

“So,Ishould hope you don’t make theAll-StarGame,” she said, beaming a smile toward her brother. “I’llnever admit that, of course.”


EventhoughLaurendeclined her offer to help with the luncheon,Kimset her alarm for earlySaturday.Aftera quick shower and dressing, she foundLaurenin the kitchen. “CanIhelp you?”

“Youdidn’t need to get up this early.Ithink everything’s under control—Ichecked withDavewhile planning the menu.Youhave no allergies or extreme dislikes?”

“Oh,I’lleat just about anything.”

“Plant-based diet, right?”Laurenglanced at her with a smile.

“Mostly.Ourfood options on campus include a vegan sectionI’vebeen trying—fresh, locally sourced organic fruits and veggies.I’ma new fan ofIndianandThaifoods.”

“Nice, you have options.Wehad limited selections whenIwas inToronto—CarynandIate out most of the time.”Laurenlaughed at her memories. “Haveyou made many new friends on campus?”

“Afew to talk to in class, but most live off campus, so they don’t hang around.Thedorm has younger students, but we don’t have much in common.Thisfast-track master’s program doesn’t leave much time to build friendships.”Kimsat at the counter asLaurenhanded her a glass of orange juice.

“Whatabout that hot guy who helped you move in?”

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