Page 20 of Winning Play

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Page 20 of Winning Play

Kimlaughed. “Spence?He’sgreat.Heand some friends invite me to meet them for dinner most days.They’reall athletes, so they devour the healthy foods and carb load before game days.”Kimran her finger down the condensation on the pitcher. “Mynew friends,” she said.

“Ifthey’re as good-looking asSpence, you probably have a lot of jealous women on campus.”

Kimlaughed. “We’repals, sure.Theyall play on the baseball team—get this, we talk sports most of the time.EricandToddtreat me like one of the guys.”

“AndSpence?”Lauren’seyebrows rose expectantly.

“Anamazing new friend.Hehelped me learn my way around campus, andIhelped him organize his schedules this semester.Wetalk or text every day.”Kimheard the enthusiasm in her tone and felt her cheeks redden.

“ShallIassumeSpencemay become more than a friend?”

Kimdrank her juice to give her time to think. “Ifeel a spark between us, but we’re not engaging.Neitherof us has time for distractions right now.”Sheset the empty glass on the counter.

Shelooked towardDavewhen he entered the room.Heheld his cell phone to his ear, andKimquickly guessed their mother had called him.

“Yes,Kimmy’sspending the weekend with us.”Hewinked and nodded asKimmotioned for him not to give her the phone. “No, not at the moment.SheandLaurenare getting things together for a luncheon with some of our friends.”

Kimswallowed a sigh of relief and sawLaurenlook at her from the corner of her eye.

“Youwant to talk later?”Lauren’svoice was soft.


Althoughshe said the luncheon was a last-minute decision,Laurengathered many friends to welcomeKimtoTampa.Someshe already knew—CarynandAndrewChadwick,TeriandSteveRogers, andKellyandJohnPeterson.Butshe hadn’t met the adorableChadwicktwins,JennaandDaniel, who’d recently celebrated their fifth birthday.Notshy, they soon brought a slightly younger girl to introduce as their friend, “Kay-Kay.”

“Kay-wee,” she corrected slowly, trying to pronounce the “L” inKayleigh.

“Kayleigh, such a beautiful name.”Kimsquatted so she could communicate face-to-face with the trio. “Howold are you all—eight?”

Theygiggled, andJennasaid, “Dannyand me are five.Kay-Kayis…”


Kimstood asKayleigh’smother stepped beside them. “Don’trush it, sweetheart!She’llbe five inAugust.”Shelooked atKim. “I’mShannon,Kayleigh’smom.You’reDave’ssister?”

“Iam,”Kimsaid, shakingShannon’shand. “Dave’stold me about your fitness center—especially that you allow many players to use it as a private facility during the summer.”

Shannonlaughed. “Theypay generously for that privilege—and they’re in and out long before we open.I’mblessed to have their support.Yourbrother’s a wonderful friend.”

“He’sa good guy, a fabulous brother—unless he thinks a guy is interested in me.”Kimlowered her voice.

“Yeah,Ihave one of those, too,”Shannonsaid. “HeintimidatedCameven before they met.”Shegiggled when the manKimassumed was her husband stepped beside her.

Heheld his hand out toKim. “Niceto meet you…Kim?I’mCam,Shannon’shusband and this little princess’s father.”

“DaddyCam!”Kayleighsang as she bounced and reached her hands up toward him.

“I’mhappy to meet you all.”Kimsmiled asCamscooped up the child, then looked atShannon. “Yourfamily’s just beautiful.Kayleighfavors both of you… wait, you’re the newlyweds?”

“Yes—this past month has been quite the whirlwind.”

“Laurentold me about yourNewYear’sEvewedding.Soromantic.”

CamsetKayleighback on the floor and whispered in her ear. “Okay,Daddy,” she beamed, joiningDanielandJennaas they scampered across the porch to the basket of toysLaurenkept for the children.

“Yes, our wedding was very romantic,”Shannonsaid with a wistful smile. “We’lltake our honeymoon when the season’s over.”Sheleaned againstCam’sshoulder as he slipped his hand around her waist. “MaybeParis,” she added, looking at him with a coy smile.

“Iheard fromDaveandLaurenabout their extended honeymoon inParis.”Kim’sheart pinged, watching the obvious happiness the couple shared. “I’mnot sure there’s a more perfect place for a honeymoon.Congratulations, both of you.”

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