Page 21 of Winning Play

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Page 21 of Winning Play

“AskDaveto bring you byShamrockFitness,”Shannoninvited. “Maybewe can go to lunch?”

“I’denjoy that, but probably not until our spring break inMarch.Ilive on campus atFCU—landlocked for now.”

“MaybeIcould meet you in town.Ourdaughter has occupational and speech therapy two to three times a week near you.Ifyou don’t mind a chatterbox namedKayleigh.”

“I’denjoy that,”Kimsaid. “Imiss my brotherJake’stwo boys.I’lllook forward to lunch.”

Kimmet so many people during the next few hours that she knew she’d need to dig deep to match names to faces.Sheparticularly enjoyedShannon’sgrandmother,GracieMackenna—orNannaGracieas many called her.Gracieshared a house withShannonandCam, andKimcould see the mutual love among the family.

Withinmoments,Kimknew she andCassieChadwickhad much in common.Theygrew up in the same area inVancouver, attended rival high schools, and knew mutual acquaintances.Theyeven enjoyed the same music.Kimsoon learned that both had moved toTampa, hoping for a new start.

Cassietook a “GapYear” to work as a nanny for theChadwicktwins and then attendedFCUto achieve certification in preschool education.Shetaught at and managed theChildLearningCenterat theTampahospital.

“Thehospital’s not far from campus—Iused to go directly from the hospital to classes.Maybewe can meet for lunch?”

“I’dwelcome that!Iusually eat lunch in the dorm apartment or sit in the food court by myself.”Kimlaughed as she shook her head. “Thatsounds pathetic.Noneof my new friends’ schedules have the same breaksIdo.”

“Hey,Ican relate.TomandIwere together, but he rarely had a break during my free periods.Iate lunch by myself most days.”

“Hardto meet people when you’re not living on campus?”

Cassienodded with a grin. “Besidesentering as a commuter student,Ienrolled for theAssociateDegree’stwo-year certification program.Ididn’t have time to nurture friendships.Besides, my husband is a neurologist affiliated with the hospital.”Cassienodded toward him across the room. “You’dnever know he andAndreware brothers, would you?”

Kimlaughed. “Theycould almost pass for twins.I’venever met a doctor who looks like your husband—do doctors have groupies?”

Cassiegiggled. “Asfar asIknow,Tom’snever had problems.Ofcourse, he used to work eighty hours a week when he had his residency.Heprobably didn’t notice if he had any groupies.”Cassiepaused, andKimsaw a smile play across her expression. “Whatabout you,Kim?Leavea guy back inVancouver?”

“Hardly,” she scoffed in response.

“Metanyone interesting on campus?”Cassieteased.

“I’mnot interested in dating right now.”Kimshrugged. “Thisnext year will consume all my free time academically.”

“Maybeyou just haven’t met the right person.”Cassie’seyes danced mischievously.

“Maybe, butI’mnot looking.”Kimlaughed, even asSpence’sface flashed in her brain.Nope.Notnow.Evenif he’s interested—whichIdoubt—and ifIhad my act together.Notime untilIcomplete this first semester.Maybethen.


HeknewKimhad plans to spend the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, butSpencedeclined an invitation to join a group headed off-campusSaturdayevening.Sometimes, he’d join them if the group included younger guys on the team—to discourage underage drinking.Evenwith theAthleticDepartment’szero-tolerance policy regarding underage drinking, some didn’t think beer counted.Withseveral juniors and seniors in the group, he felt comfortable using the free evening to continue to work ahead with his course assignments.

StudyingwithKimlast weekend did not feel like work.Hisgaze traveled to the semester calendar above his desk.Hejust needed to check for assignment due dates and mark them off upon completion.Kimhad helped him create the calendar—within a week, he didn’t know how he had stayed on top of coursework without it.

Heopened his finance textbook and flipped to the next chapter.AfterobservingKimhighlight sections of her textbook and flip back and forth between pages,Spencedecided to try her strategy.Hecontinued to use digital textbooks during class, but when studying or working on assignments, he experimented with physical textbooks.

Stillcan’t convinceKimto try the digital books for class.Evendemonstrating the difference in the weight of her backpack with just her laptop instead of multiple textbooks didn’t persuade her to try it.Stubborn.

They’ddeveloped an easy friendship over the first few weeks of the semester.Notexactly a brother-sister type rapport, but more platonic than romantic.Couldhe seeKimas more than a buddy?Sure,I’mattracted to her—who wouldn’t want to date her?

HisfavoriteKim“look”—hair pulled back into a ponytail, paired with a baseball cap.Kimlooked equally attractive in a team shirt and jeans as she did when dressing business casual for class.Shedidn’t need to show off her trim figure and long legs with the popular tight shirts and short shorts on campus.

Mostwomen he knew or saw on campus never emerged from their dorms without date-ready cosmetics.NotKim—she didn’t need to emphasize her dark brown eyes.Openand animated, they mirrored her emotions, andSpencesometimes felt he could read her thoughts.Ifshe desired,Kimcould hypnotize him.Maybeshe’d already put a spell on him?

Admitit,Spencer.Youhave a “crush” on her and hope for more than friendship.Butnot right now, with baseball season about to start.Needto stay focused on the goal.Friendshipbenefits both of us.Fornow.

Kimawoke early the following day when the sun peeked through the bedroom window.Spoiledby her second night sleeping on the most comfortable bed she’d ever experienced,Kimfelt utterly refreshed.Shehadn’t realized that the constant buzz of noise around and inside the dorm affected her sleep—the peaceful surroundings and a bed worthy of royalty lulled her quickly to an uninterrupted night’s slumber.Exceptfor that swoony dream featuringChathamJohnSpencer.Awelcome diversion.Shewished she could recall the details but didn’t forget the emotions and feelings the interlude produced.Shesnuggled back against the pillow and plush bedcovers, allowing a smile to play across her face.

So, you do think aboutSpencein “that way.”Thevague memories of a hazy extended make-out session produced goosebumps on her arms and a sizzling jolt to her core.Shecouldn’t remember the last time she’d shivered in anticipation, whether in a dream or reality.

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