Page 25 of Winning Play
“Mmm… right outside your dorm.”
“Beright down.”
Asshe jogged down the stairs,Kimrealized that just hearingSpence’svoice caused her heart to flutter.Don’truin this friendship by falling for him.
Whenshe pushed the door open, she blurted, “I’mso happy to see you.”
Thatslightly crooked grin madeKim’sheart skip a beat.Hehanded one of the paper bags to her. “Areyou that hungry, or did you miss me?”
Kimlightly punched his arm. “Both.Comeon up.”
Whenthey reached her apartment,Kimplaced the bag on the table and gathered plates, utensils, and napkins. “WhatcanIget you to drink?Ihave water, soda… maybe a beer?”
“Iwon’t say ‘no’ to a beer.I’llget the drinks.Whatdo you want?”
“Ihave a glass of wine.”Kimquickly set the table and carefully unpacked the sacks of food. “Oh, this smells great,Spence.Thanksfor thinking of me.”
Spenceopened the beer and refilledKim’swineglass. “Youdecided not to go to the game?”
Shewaved toward the table. “Sitdown, please.Ihad a headache, soIbailed on the game.That’swhyIdidn’t want to go into the food court.”
“Feelingbetter now?”Hepulled the chair back forKim. “Sorryyou missed the game.”
“Theheadache’s better but still annoying.Foronce, our schedules matched, but there’ll be other games.”Shepushed the food toward him. “Takeyours first?—”
Spencepushed it right back. “There’smore than enough,Popcorn.YouknowIalways order too much.Feedthat headache.”
Kimlaughed as she spooned vegetables on her plate. “Ishouldn’t be hungry.Iate more this weekend thanIusually eat in a week.”Shetasted a small sample of the food. “Ofcourse, that won’t stop me now.Thisis delicious!”
“Ithink the weekend chefs are the best.Usually, they’re not as rushed, as few students stay for the weekend.Ithink they experiment with new recipes and provide overly generous servings of fresh food.”
Hiswink sent a tide of warmth rushing throughKim.Herheadache had receded since she’d receivedSpence’stext.Sittingacross from him, basking in his contagious good humor,Kimfelt her stress dissolve.
“Didyou enjoy your weekend, except for the headache?”
“Idid.Imet many of their friends, felt very pampered, and enjoyed catching up withDaveandLauren.Wherethey live is like a resort—Icould get spoiled.”
Spence’sblue eyes reflected his smile. “Youdidn’t want to live with them?”
Kimshook her head. “I’dhate fighting traffic and thought it would be hard to meet people.”Shesuppressed a smile. “Probablywouldn’t have met you, my first friend on campus.”Shepaused a moment. “Tellme about the game.Didyou win?”
“Yes, butToddandEricmoaned because you weren’t there to record their hits and stellar plays.Youdo know you’ve become the team’s good luck charm?”
“No, no, no!Don’ttell me that.Pleasedon’t make me a superstition.Ican’t take the pressure!”Kimstruggled to maintain a straight face.
“Popcorn, you are not a superstition.Trustme.”Hereached across the table to squeeze her hand. “They… we… all appreciate the insights that accompany your scorekeeping.”
“Ienjoy that very much.MaybeIcan be an official scorer whenIgrow up,” she quipped.
“Didyou ever keep stats for your brother’s hockey games?”
“Dave’s?”Kimshook her head. “Iwas too young when he started playing.Besides,Inever paid attention to anyone else during the games.So,Ijust banged on the glass.”
“Aworthy good luck charm.”
Spence’sgrin caused butterflies to flutter in her chest.What’swith that?Don’tstart crushing on your best friend inTampa, even if he’s adorable and incredibly handsome… and makes you want things you shouldn’t…Youneed friends more than you need a boyfriend.
WhenKimasked if he wanted to study together after dinner,Spencejogged across campus to retrieve his laptop and some textbooks.Hewelcomed every opportunity to spend time withKim.Althoughhe knew his feelings edged beyond friendship,Spencerealized she needed time to process her recent breakup.Hewished he could question her about the split and why her mother seemed so intent on pushing her back together with that guy.