Page 26 of Winning Play
What’sthe backstory?Dothe two families have a history—maybe the parents are long-time friends?Shesaid her parents treat him like a son.Justremember,Spencer, she needs friends, not you trying to go beyond the friendship line.Notjust now.
Anhour later, both immersed in preparing for the upcoming week,Spenceglanced atKimseated near him on the sofa.Deepin concentration as she alternated between highlighting text and taking notes,Kimabsently chewed the top of her pen.Soadorable…Lostin the world of…Heleaned slightly closer so he could see her text.Socialmedia and law?Giveme finance any day.
“Youhave any interest in law school?”Hespoke without thinking.Hesaw the surprise in her dark brown eyes.
“Law?”Shelaughed. “I’llbe lucky to learn enough to avoid lawsuits for libelous content.”
“Howlikely is that?”
“Unfortunately, more than you think.Laurentold me she andCarynretain a lawyer to consult when someone posts something…” she paused with a chuckle, “…‘unsavory’ about a client.”
“Unfortunately, yes.Wereyou inTampawhen theSuns’ started theirIcetheBulliesanti-bullying program?”
“Ithink that began whileIwas making college visits in the area.That’sone of the organizations whereFCUstudents can earn volunteer hours.”Spencewatched asKimconsidered her following words.
“Thatentire program originated afterLaurenbecame the target of a nasty rumor campaign when she andDavefirst went public as a couple.Neithertalks about it, soIdon’t know many details, but they got with the team’sPRdepartment and started an educational program.Mostplayers volunteer to speak at schools a few times a year.”
“Ilike theIcetheBullies’slogan and posters.I’mglad something good came from that experience.”Spence’svoice was quiet. “Idon’t get why people get off tearing someone down.We’vehad a couple of incidents on the team—so-called hazing—butCoachended it quickly.”
“Offthe team?”
Kimnodded. “Davetold me they almost broke up because of the rumors—the invasion of privacy and speculation about her character and past were so stressful forLauren.Shebasically ‘disappeared’ and went off the grid.Davedidn’t know where she went for a while.”
“I’mglad their relationship survived.Noone deserves that treatment.”Spenceshook his head. “I’mnot a big social media user.”
“I’mnot either.Noneof my accounts uses my real name.Idon’t want to get trolled by my brothers’ fans.”
“So, you have an active vicarious online presence?”
Hesaw her eyes sparkle with mischief. “Hardly.Itry to keep up with all the existing and new platforms—thingsIneed to know ifI’mgoing to work in that field afterIcomplete this master's program.”Shegiggled. “UnlessIdecide to chase the professional scorekeeper dream.”
“Um… is that part of your graduate program?”
“Unfortunately, no.”Kimshut her textbook and leaned back against the sofa.
Spenceturned to face her. “Headacheback?”
“No, not really.”Sheclosed her eyes for a moment. “Mymother crossed a line today.AndIhate fighting with her.”
“Youwant to talk about it?”Spencereached to squeeze her hand.
Kimshrugged and met his eyes. “Shetricked me into talking to my ex.”Spenceraised his eyebrows in question but didn’t speak.
“Shecalled me, and after we chatted, she said a handsome man wanted to talk to me.Ithought she meant my dad.”Shewas quiet for a long moment. “Inever thought she’d give the phone toFinn.”Kimvisibly shuddered, andSpencefought the urge to pull her into his arms.Instead, he scooted closer and slipped his arm behind her on the couch.
“Shehopes you’ll get back together?”
“Yes, andIthink she’s giving him false hope.Imade it clear to him—again—Inever want to hear from him, speak with him, or see him again.”Sheshrugged. “Iwon’t be speaking with my mother any time soon.”
“Tellher you’ve met someone,”Spencesuggested. “Wouldshe let up then?”
Kimlaughed without a trace of humor. “She’dprobably want to meet that ‘someone’ and make a comparison.”Sheleaned her head against his arm and turned her face toward his. “We’vealways had a close relationship.Howcan someoneIdon’t even like come between us?”