Page 27 of Winning Play

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Page 27 of Winning Play

“Afamily friend?”

“No, just a guyIdated from school.Ididn’t see it happening, but he insinuated himself into our lives.”Sheshook her head. “IguessIwas naïve, butIdidn’t realize that the façade he presented—what he wanted my parents to see—didn’t relate to reality.WhenIrecognized what was happening, my mother had decided that he would be the perfect son-in-law.”Hereyes met his. “Ikept thinking he would change, but of course, he didn’t.”Sheshrugged. “Iwasted eighteen months trying to make it work… a fool for letting him take advantage of me.”

Hesaw the tears shining in her eyes and, without thinking, wrapped his arms around her. “Didhe…”Hecoughed slightly when he heard the venom in his voice. “I’msorry, that’s none of my business.”

“No, that’s okay.Ididn’t mean to dump all that on you.”Kimsighed as she flicked the moisture under her eyes. “Justin case he gets my phone number by sweet-talking my mom,I’llchange it tomorrow.”

“Youcan block his number, you know.”

Kimsmiled. “Thanks,Iwill.”Shecut her eyes up at him. “Youhave a comfortable shoulder.”

“Happyto be of service,Popcorn.Anytime.”Spencehugged her. “Don’ttell the guys.Idon’t provide shoulder comfort to all my friends.”

Theireyes met, andKimheld his gaze.Shelooks so vulnerable and confused.HowwouldIfeel if my parents sided with an ex-girlfriend instead of supporting my decision?Spenceleaned toward her, intending to plant a comforting kiss on her forehead, but she shifted at that exact moment, and somehow their lips met.

Thekiss ended way too quickly.Theyboth drew back slightly and saw surprise in each other’s eyes.Thewaning evening sunlight filtered through the window and fell across them, framing them in its light.

“I’msorry…”Spencebegan, butKiminterrupted him by pressing her fingers against his lips.

“Don’t.”Shesmiled, then closed her eyes and leaned in toward him again.Thiskiss was more intense than the first; their lips parted, andSpencecould feelKim’sbreath catch.Hetightened his arms around her and pulled her firmly against him.Herlips were warm and soft, and she threaded her hands through his hair and molded her body against his.

WhenSpencefinally pulled back, he ran his hands over her hair. “Idon’t want to take advantage,Kim,” he whispered.

Kimlooked up at him and smiled, her cheeks flushed. “Youdidn’t,” she said softly.

Kimfelt as if she were floating on air.Thebleak afternoon seemed to brighten, a hint of promise riding between them.Spence'seyes had darkened to a deep, intense blue, and her heart raced in her chest.Whatare you thinking,Martin?Tryingto ruin your friendship?Don'tdo something stupid that you're going to regret.

ShesawSpence’seyes study her expression, then he shook his head and gently tucked hair behind her ear. “Youdeserve so much more from someone you care about.”Hepressed his lips against her forehead. “Don’tforget that.”

Kimnodded, then brushed her hand against the light stubble on his face. “Thankyou."Shestudied his expression, then averted her eyes and reached for her textbook. "Ishould complete this section."

"AndIneed to stop distracting you."Spencehugged her against his side before he stood and gathered his notebook and textbook.

"I'mnot complaining."Kimimmediately missed the warmth of his body pressed against her side. "Thanksfor dinner, the shoulder... well, everything."

Spencereached for her hand and pulled her to stand beside him. “Anytime,Popcorn.You'llcall me if you need anything?”Hisblue eyes sought a promise.

“Ofcourse.”Kimrose on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Night,Spence.”

Kimwatched him leave before she locked the door and took the dishes and leftovers to the kitchen.Hermind refused to focus on homework.Shecouldn’t stop replaying their kiss.Whatwere you thinking,Martin?


KimtookLauren’sadvice and initiated calls to her parents during the week, and she suspected thatDavealso had chatted with her mom.Carolinedidn’t mentionFinn’sname, andKimrelaxed as days passed.Withclasses, studying, enjoying baseball games, and hanging out withSpence,Eric, andTodd, time passed quickly.

Althoughneither mentioned it,Kimhad not forgotten howSpenceoffered “comfort” the night of her semi-meltdown.“Semi” because he texted me at just the right moment.Herthoughts drifted to the kiss and how it sparked something deep inside her.Spence’ssoft lips, the scratch of his day-old stubble, the way his hands moved through her hair.Sheshook her head, startled by the direction of her thoughts.Spencehad not tried to kiss her again—if anything, he emphasized their friendship every chance he could.

Sheforced the thoughts from her mind.Ofcourse,Spencedid not want anything but friendship—did he?Barelyfree from her previous relationship,Kimknew she could not jump into another.Whyeven think about kissingSpence?Orwhere that kiss could lead.Bethankful he doesn’t know about those little heart flutters you get every time you’re together.Donot mess up this friendship.Thekiss didn’t affect him the same way.Don’tstart imagining there’s something between you.

Davestopped by campus one day after practice to bringKimlunch.Shehadn’t seen him since the weekend she spent at their home, and as always, welcomed his “big brother bear hug.”

Daveshowed her the small cooler he held. “Carepackage fromLauren.Lunch, unless you’d rather go out?”

“No,Ilove anythingLaurenmakes.”Shegrasped his arm, and they walked up the stairs to her floor.

Davenodded at the row of closed doors along the hallway. “Haveyou met many of your neighbors?”

“Mostare sophomores and juniors.Imainly see them when they need something after the campus store closes, such as tea bags, soft drinks, pens, pencils, and markers.”Kimlaughed as she opened her door. “Luckily,Iusually have more than enough of these items on hand.”

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