Page 28 of Winning Play

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Page 28 of Winning Play

“Youshould set up a store.”Daveset the cooler on the kitchen counter. “Youalways had your little hoard of supplies during school.Isthere a notebook or planner you’ve ever passed by?Ora purple pen?”

“Nope, and that probably will never happen.Idon’t mind.Makesme feel useful.”Sheopened the cooler and pulled fresh rolls, salads, and egg salad sandwiches from the cooler. “Sit,Dave.I’llget plates and utensils.Whatdo you want to drink?”

Asthey sat together to enjoy their meal,KimquestionedDaveabout their upcoming trip toCancunduring theAll-Starweek break. “Whatif they ask you to be a last-minute replacement for an injured player?”

Daveshook his head with a smile as he swallowed. “Coachknows about the trip.HegaveSteveGoldman, ourGM, a list of available players.I’mpretty sure ifCamdengets tapped as an alternate,Coachwill be helpingShannon’sgrandmother withKayleigh.”

“Ienjoyed meeting them so much.IwishIhad time to visitShannon’sfitness center…Shamrock?”

“That’sit.Maybeover your spring break,”Davesaid. “Unlessyou’re planning to go home?”

“Nota chance.”Kimwinced as she heard the bitterness in her tone.

“Areyou still dodgingMom?”

“No,Imake sureIcall her a few times a week before she can call me.Shehasn’t mentioned her adopted ‘third son’ since that day at your house.”

Davenodded. “Didyou give her your new phone number?”

Kimgrinned. “Yes, butIcall her early onSundays—before the third son arrives.”

Witha chuckle,Davemet her eyes, and thenKimsaw his expression grow serious. “Kimmy, you’ll tell me if he contacts you again?”

“Yeah,Iwill,”Kimsighed. “I’mno longer protecting him from my intimidating older brother.”Herlips quirked in a slight smile. “Considerthat chapter of my life closed, locked, and the key tossed away.”

Davereached across the table to squeeze her hand. “Someday,Ihope you’ll tell me the entire story.”


Davetapped the back of her hand. “Fairenough.”Hechanged the subject then. “Wehave two home games before theAll-StarBreak.Ibrought the tickets for the seats behind the bench if you want to go to one or both of the games.Bringyour friend—Spence?”

“Unlesshe has a game,IknowSpencewould enjoy theSuns’ games—especially from your seats.”

“I’msensing you’re becoming more than friends,”Daveoffered.

“No, just friends.”Kim’svoice was firm, and she sawDaveraise his brow skeptically. “Ineed him as a friend more than a boyfriend,Dave.”

WhenKimofferedSpencethe game tickets, he agreed before she could finish the question. “Ichecked your schedule; no games on either date.”Kimsmiled as they walked across campus for her afternoon class. “IhopeEricandTodddon’t feel left out.”

“Toobad if they do,” he said with a laugh. “Theywant to go; they can get their own tickets.”

“Ican askDaveto…” she started.

“No, don’t do that,Popcorn.They’llboth want to bring dates—it’ll get complicated.Let’senjoy a couple of evenings with just us.”HecaughtKimside-eyeing him. “Bestfriends, right?”

“Yes… of course.Bestfriends.”

Spencepretended he didn’t notice the flush creeping up her neck.IfKimonly knew how muchIwish we could go beyond “just friends.”Butnot until she’s… what?… recovered from that last jerk who called himself her boyfriend?Betternot to act on whatIwant—and end up as the rebound guy.Hehadn’t forgotten the kiss; it looped through his mind most nights.KissingKimfelt likea glimpse of paradise, but how long would he wait before experiencing that again?

Spencecontinued to the athletic complex for his weight training day.Hewandered into the weight room after changing and stashing everything in his locker.Hescanned the group, quickly locatingToddAnderson. “Lookingfor a workout partner?”

“I’vedone my sets, butI’llspot you,”Toddsaid. “Youdoing cardio first?”

“No,I’llstart with weights, so you don’t have to hang around.Yougot plans withBarbtonight?”

Spencewatched as a smile spread across his friend’s face. “We’regetting dinner off campus.You’rewelcome to join us.”

“Thanks, butIneed to work on a paper.Iwant to finish it before those exhibition games next week.”

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