Page 29 of Winning Play
Toddnodded. “Yeah, going toOrlando’snot bad, and at leastJacksonville’scoming here.”
“Couldbe worse—don’t forget the trips toValdostaandPensacola.”Spencebit back a grin. “Sureyou can afford the time to go out withBarb?”
“I’mnot taking an overload this semester,Spencer.Noway wouldIschedule anything that requires keeping up with assignments daily.”Heaimed a knowing smirk toward his friend. “Whydon’t you take one evening off?BringKimwith you—Barbwonders about the ‘friend’ you spend so much time with.”
“Youknow we’re just friends.”
“Uh-huh.”Toddhelped adjust the weights on the bar. “Ifyou say so.”
“Youknow somethingIdon’t?”
“Justsaying.”Toddstood behind the bench. “Barbsays some of your ‘female’ friends…Jeanine, in particular… wonder why they never see you.”Toddcounted the reps.WhenSpencersat up and wiped the towel across his face, he continued, “Youcan’t just ghost your friends, man.”
“Thatwhat you think?”
Toddshrugged. “Jeaninethinks so, according toBarb.Whynot talk to her and tell her you’re not dating this semester.”
Spencerolled his eyes. “So,Ishould call her and say, ‘Nooffense, butIdon’t have time to date with my schedule?’Justout of the blue,Ishould call her?”
Toddlaughed. “No, smartass.Don’tavoid her or walk away next time she sits at our table.”
“God, you sound like a high schooler.ButIget the point—I’lltalk with her next timeIsee her.”
“Youmight want to mention your new best friend.”Toddducked asSpencewhipped the towel at him. “Justsaying,Captain.”
Onthe day of theSunsgame,Kimopted to blow-dry her hair and let it flow over her shoulders.Usually, she allowed it to air dry, and the thick, unruly hair caused her to pull it back into a low or high ponytail.Inthe past, she’d occasionally taken extra time to braid it, butFinn’smocking comments that braids looked childish had dissuaded her from making an effort.Nomore.IfIweren’t running late,I’dtry aFrenchbraid tonight… ifIremember how to make it.MaybeaskLaurenfor her stylist’s name?Arefresher demo.
Kimchose jeans and a blue and white striped cotton sweater, knowing she’d feel chilly sitting close to the ice during the game.Shegrabbed the jerseyDavehad given her, checked that she had everything she needed in the clear cross-body bag, and glanced at her reflection one last time before leaving to meetSpencein the dorm’s drop-off area.
Assoon as she exited the dorm's back door, she saw a grin spread acrossSpence’sface.Herheart did a little flip at the sight of him leaning against his car.Shewalked towards him, noticing how the wind tousled his hair, adding to his rugged charm.Shetried not to stare at the dark wash denim jeans that fit with just the right amount of snugness.Thelong-sleeve blue knit shirt hugged his shoulders and chest in all the essential places, emphasizing his toned physique.Butterfliesfluttered at the sight of him, and his infectious grin made it impossible not to smile back at him.
“Hey,Kim.Righton time.”Hedidn’t conceal his approval ofKim’sappearance, then nodded to the jersey draped over her arm. “Gotyour lucky jersey?”
“Youbet.Isee you’re wearingSuns’ blue,”Kimteased with a grin as she slid into the seat.
“Tellme again how close we are to the ice,” he retorted.
“Ican probably get you a jersey.”
“Youwon’t share yours?”
Kimheld it up. “Uh, sure…Ifyou think it’ll fit.”Kimcut her eyes toward him, biting back a smile.
“Nevermind,I’llvisit the team store.”Spence’seyes caught hers when he glanced toward her. “I’llfind a hat or something equally appropriate.”
Kimplayfully nudged his arm.Sheloved the back-and-forth banter they shared. “Youmight want to get a jersey—you ever sit close to the ice?”
Spence’slaugh caused a flutter in her stomach. “Notas a spectator.Iknow the arena’s chilly no matter where you sit,” he said.Kimsaw his eyes flick toward her. “Though, the cold shouldn’t bother you,Popcorn.You’reused to it, right?”
“Ithink my blood thinned already.I’vealways been cold near the ice, even back home.”Kimleaned back against the seat after she gave him directions to the private parking lot for players and families.Itfelt so right—normal—forSpenceto accompany her to the game.Thememory of the kiss had faded—but not disappeared—andKimdidn’t sense any awkwardness between them.
HappythatDavehad included them in his invitation to meet at theCenterIceLoungeafter the game, she hopedSpencewould enjoy it.What’snot to like?Hangingout with theSunsfor an after-game celebration?Andjust maybe hanging out with me counts a little, too.
TheirVIPcredentials allowed entry to the arena before the general public.KimtookSpenceto the family suite, hoping to seeLauren, but neither she norCarynhad arrived. “Can’tbelieve we got here beforeLauren,” she toldSpence. “Wouldyou like something to eat?”Shewalked him toward the hot and cold food entrees.
“Fancy,”Spencemurmured. “Ifeel like an imposter—do you always eat here?”