Page 39 of Winning Play
“Notaround me,Kim.Friends, right?”
“Okay, let’s take care of those bird feeders,”Spencesuggested.
Spencewatched asKimmixed the nectar for the hummingbirds.Sodamn cute when she realized she suggested skinny-dipping.NotthatI’dobject if she were serious, but bestIdon’t let on.Thelast thing she needs is me pushing the friendship boundaries.Friends… keep telling yourself that,Spencer.Just.Friends.
Theyworked together in the yard, cleaning and refilling the many bird feeders.Kimmarveled at the variety of birds they saw.Manyshe’d never seen inVancouver.
“Laurensays it’s a busy time right now,”Kimsaid. “Migratingbirds are preparing to head north.Someof her hummingbirds won’t come back until fall.It’sfascinating… we see some of the same birds inVancouver, butLaurensaid that many are unique to each area.Doyou like the plants and flowers surrounding the screened porch?”
“Davehired a company specializing in attracting hummingbirds, butterflies, and songbirds to landscape the area.Headmits it’s relaxing to sit back and observe when he has time.”
Spencewatched the delighted smile cross her face when two small yellow birds jockeyed for position at one tube feeder. “Whatare those?Verytalkative birds.”
“Ithink they’re goldfinches.Pleasedon’t quote me, butI’veseen some onVancouverIsland.They’rerather sociable.”Kimstepped back, hoping not to startle them.
“Toobad you can’t put a feeder outside your kitchen window.”
“Likelyget written up for ‘attracting rodents,’”Kimsaid. “AndIdon’t want to imagine vermin climbing up the side of the building!”Shepretended to shiver asSpencestifled a laugh. “Let’sfill the feeders on the other side first.”
Beforethey left,KimandSpencewalked up the street to check the other homesDavehad mentioned.
“TheChadwickslive here, thePetersonsnext door, and theRogersare right across the street.Laurensaid that when she came here fromSt.Louisto work withCaryn, she felt she had an instant family.”Shelooked atSpence. “Goodpeople.”
Shesaw the quirk on his lips. “Everyonehas adopted you,Kim.Ifeel it when you drag me into the family suite before a game.”
“Dragyou into the suite?Whocouldn’t stop talking about the taco bar last week,ChathamSpencer?”Shepretended to punch his arm. “Plus, you broke training.”
“Days,”Kimcountered. “Howlong did you need to work out to burn those extra calories?”
Spenceshrugged. “Oh, just added a few miles to my route.Plus, this volleyball round-robin has me running around campus.Youknow that because you’re doing the same.”Helooped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her against his side. “Thanksfor jumping in,Popcorn.”
Kimtried to suppress the butterflies fluttering in her chest.Friends, we’re just friends.Shehoped her voice didn’t betray her body’s response to his touch.
“It’sa lot of fun and for a significant cause.Speakingof, don’t we have a committee meeting tonight?”
Shesaw him glance at his watch. “Yep, but we’ll make it… unless traffic’s ridiculous.We’regood.”Hedropped his arm from her shoulders and caught her hand. “Butlet’s not take any chances.”
Kimleft the meeting early, a last-minute review for a test on her mind.Shecut across campus, using one ofSpence’sshortcuts.Peoplegreeted her by name along the way, andKimrealized how many students she’d met since the beginning of the semester.SheconsideredSpence’sreference to the campus as a small town in a large urban area.He’sright.Neverfelt this comfortable at the uni inVancouver.Friendly, butIcould be anonymous ifIchose.Maybepeople are more observant here… or the beautiful weather equals good moods?Ican vouch for that.
Shewaved when she sawToddandBarbacross the lawn.Bothhad signed up to play in the tournament, butBarbhad not joinedTodd’steam—maybe her sorority’s?Thatsparked good-natured trash talk before and after committee meetings.Kimlaughed asToddpantomimed serving a volleyball, andKimpretended to spike it to land at his feet.
Shedidn’t realize anyone was nearby until a voice she never expected to hear inTampaspoke behind her. “KimMartin.”
Whatthe…?Kimspun around to findFinnleaning casually against the building. “Whatare you doing here?Howdid you…” she sputtered.
“Findyou?Itwas just a matter of time,” he said with a familiar condescending smile. “Youcan’t just walk out of my life like that.”
“Idid.Imeant it whenIsaid we’re through.”Kimtried to modulate her voice, hoping to avoid a scene. “Ifyou came to see me, you wasted a trip toTampa.”
“Youdidn’t like the flowers?”
Kimsnorted a laugh. “So, you sent the huge bouquet?Youforgot the card.”