Page 40 of Winning Play

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Page 40 of Winning Play

“Deliveredwith my sincere apologies.”Finn’sattempt at a high-wattage smile looked like a grimace.

“Shouldhave known—Itrashed them becauseI’mhighly allergic to your flowers.”Kimshrugged. “Youwasted your money on the flowers and your plane ticket.”Sheturned to leave, butFinn’snext comment made her pause.

“Didyou think you’d get away with it?”

Kimrecognized the all-too-familiar scorn in his tone. “Getaway withwhat?Youcheated on me!”

“Andyoukeyed my car.Youneed to pay for repairs.”

“Whichone?”Kimlaughed. “Youhad a different one every timeIsaw you.Finn,Ididn’t touch your precious car.”

“Ihave an estimate for repairs.”

Kimignored the paper clutched in his hand. “Not.My.Problem.”

Finn’stone shifted to placating. “Look,Iget that you thinkIcheated on you—you overreacted.IswearInever touched another girl while we were together.Hearme out, andI’llforget about this vandalism.”

“Leave, andI’llforgetIever knew you.”Kimspun away from him and continued toward her dorm. “I’msure your daddy can get you a new car.”

Finngrasped her arm, jerking her to a stop. “Kim, don’t you remember the good times we had?Wecan get past this vandalism—even your attempted assault.”

“Doyou hear yourself?”Kimlowered her voice. “Vandalism?Assault?Don’tflatter yourself—DoIneed to repeat whatItold you the last timeIsaw you?”Sheshook her head and resisted the urge to slap the “enchanting”—in his mind—smile from his face.Youcan’t fool me again,FinnHendricks.Shejerked her arm away from him. “We’rethrough.”Shenodded toward nearby security cameras. “Smilefor the camera.”

Finn’seyes narrowed, butKimdidn’t wait for a reply.Shepivoted and stepped away from her biggest mistake.Angerclouded her vision, andKimwalked straight into what she assumed was a large, solid student.Someonegrasped her arms to prevent her from losing her balance.

“What’sgoing on?”Spenceasked, his voice low when she raised her face.Sheshook her head, anger and embarrassment choking her response.Spencedrew her against his side. “Thisguy bothering you?”

“He’snothing,Spence.Walkto the dorm with me?”

“Goingto introduce your friend,Kim?”Finnjeered.

Kimturned to speak, butSpenceresponded. “ChathamSpencer.Kim’sboyfriend.”Heextended his hand, then dropped it whenFinndidn’t respond.Spence’svoice held no warmth, and his blue eyes sparked with anger. “You’renot a student—what do you want?”

Finnsnorted. “We’reold friends fromVancouver.Tellhim,Kimberly.”

“We’renot friends.”Kim’svoice sputtered with anger, andSpencesqueezed her shoulder.

“Yourex?”Spencekept his voice low so only she could hear him.Shenodded and felt his muscles tense. “Doyou want to talk with him?”

“No,I’vesaid everythingIneed.”Kimturned to glare atFinn. “Goback toVancouver,Finn.”

“I’llstay as long asIwant.”

“Stayaway fromKim,”Spencesaid, andKimfelt his muscles tense as he stared atFinn. “She’smoved on.”

Kimrecognized the disparaging expressionFinnaimed atSpence.Howoften did he look at me that way?Buthe’s not on his home turf now.Here, he seems… diminished… powerless.Shebit back a smile asFinn’saura of superiority splintered the longerSpencesilently met his eyes.Spenceprojected no anger, but his clenched muscles and fierce eyes spoke volumes.NexttoSpence,Finnno longer looks so imposing.HowdidIlet him get into my mind?

“Weclear on this?”Spence’svoice broke the silence.

“So, you’re the new boyfriend?”

“That’swhatIsaid.”Hiscobalt eyes darkened. “Don’tcome around here.”

Finnlaughed, glanced atKim, and shook his head in disdain. “Thisisn’t over,Kim.”

Kimswallowed her response whenSpenceshifted to shield her fromFinn’sview. “It’svery much over.Leave.”

Hewaited untilFinnwalked away, then facedKim, “Areyou okay?”

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