Page 41 of Winning Play

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Page 41 of Winning Play

Shenodded, the adrenaline surge receding. “Let’sgo to my dorm.”

Theywalked several yards in silence, andKimresisted the urge to glance over her shoulder.Spence, however, paused and turned to trackFinn’spath until he disappeared. “Whata tool.”

Kimlaughed a little. “That’stoo kind a word.”Sheglanced at him. “Thankyou.Didthe meeting end early?”

“Youleft your notebook—don’t you need it to study tonight?”Kimhadn’t noticed the book he held in his other hand. “Themeeting was about to end, anyway.”

“Colorme disorganized.I’msorry you had to leave early.”Shesmiled slightly. “ButIappreciate the assist.”

“That’sthe guy your mother wants you to get back together with?”

“Yes…Ican’t believe he showed up here.”Shepulled away from his tight grip and immediately missed the contact.Spencecaught her hand and squeezed it. “HeclaimsI‘keyed’ his car beforeIleft forTampa.”

“Iwouldn’t blame you if you had.”Hemet her eyes. “Ionly caught part of the conversation, but you made your point.Hecheated on you?”

“I’dsuspected, but no proof.He‘forgot’ he’d promised to go with me to an end-of-semester dinner with my friends.”Kimsaid. “So,Itook anUberand asked the driver to stop byFinn’sapartment.Iplanned to talk to him but saw him leave with some woman.”Kimlaughed nervously. “Myfriends wanted me to confront him—Isaid ifIcared enough,I’dtake a baseball bat to his car.So,Ibroke things off the next day and moved toTampa.Ididn’t think about that until he showed up today.”

“Butwhy come all the way here to confront you?”

“Maybehe thoughtI’dbeg for forgiveness, and then he could ‘forgive me’ and get back together.”Kimtried to tamp down the sarcasm in her voice. “Ormaybe he’s just trying to get in my head.”

“Doyou think he wants money?”Spenceventured.

“Hehas more money than he could ever need.Honestly,Idon’t think he understands the meaning of ‘No.’”

“Don’tworry,I’mhappy to explain if he bothers you again.”

“Youtold him you’re my boyfriend.”Kimlooked at him with a small smile.Ifonly.“Maybehe’ll take that to heart.”

Spence’slips quirked. “Hopeso,Popcorn.Forhis sake.”

AfterSpenceleftKimin her apartment, he walked around the residence hall, looking for any sign of her ex.He’dhidden his anger, but if he ran into the douchebag, he’d give in to his urge to knock the smug look off his face.HesentTodda text thanking him for the heads up—the only reasonToddhadn’t intervened, he thought the guy might be her brother.

Ineed to introduce them the first chanceIget.Notsure howToddcould mistake that little weasel for a pro hockey player…Angerpulsed throughSpenceagain when he thought about the guy grabbingKim’sarm—luckily, he hadn’t acted on that impulse.Kimmore than held her own in the confrontation.Thethought of someone grabbing her makes me want to obliterate him…Butshe didn’t object whenIplayed the boyfriend card.

He’denjoyed holdingKimpressed against his side, though he now questioned his possessive urge.Probablythe same thing her brother would have done, but my feelings are not brotherly whereKimis concerned.Yep,Ican play the pretend boyfriend for as long as she wants.

Hecompleted his stroll around the dorm, then headed back across campus, occasionally glancing back at the dorm door.Nosign of the guy.Maybehe’s smarter thanIthink.

Toddmet him near the athletic dorm. “Everythingcool now?”Hewaited asSpencenodded. “Whowas that guy?PrettysureCoachKimdidn’t need any help telling him off.”

Spencechuckled. “Nodoubt about that.Iadded a little muscle to her demand to leave her alone.Itold himIwasKim’sboyfriend.”Hecracked a smile. “I’llintroduce you toDaveMartin.Comparedto him, that punk’s not intimidating.”

“Yougonna tell him?”Spencehad confidedDave’srequest to watch out forKimwhile they were out of town.

“Notsure.I’dneed to talk withKimfirst.Notsure she’d appreciateDaveplaying protective big brother.Ididn’t tell her you texted me.Thatnotebook gave me a good excuse to show up.”

Toddlaughed. “Oneof these days, you’ll realize you don’t need an excuse whereKim’sconcerned.EvenBarbsuspects she likes you… and not just as a friend.”

“I’mhappy we’re friends for now.Notgoing to push her.”NotuntilI’msure she has no lingering feelings for that guy.


Afterhours of tossing and turning,Kimkicked back the covers and sat up with a sigh.Toojittery to sleep, she decided to knock out a few assignments.Shebrewed a cup of tea while looking over her to-do list.Reluctantly, her eyes fixed on the semester-long media liability assignment sitting on her back burner too long.Thecase studies had not sparked her imagination, andKimwished she could skip ahead to the independent project for the semester.Sheplanned to work withLaurenandCarynto prepare a case study on professional sports.Muchmore interesting than reading about corporations.She’dhave included celebrity defamation cases if she'd written the textbook.Likethe royal family lawsuits against paparazzi.Nosuch luck.

Kimslogged through two case studies, taking much longer than usual to read them, take notes, and write up the material.Theencounter withFinnnagged her mind, eating at her concentration.Thememory ofSpencestepping up to claim her as his girlfriend causedKim’sheart to miss a beat.Sheclosed her eyes and remembered how right it felt when he held her against his side.Perfectfit—as ifIbelong there.WhileFinnfrustrated her, demeaned her, and caused her to doubt herself,Spenceboosted her confidence and calmed her mind.

Hisdeclaration, “I’mKim’sboyfriend,” repeatedly played in a loop, causing her stomach to ripple in anticipation.Ifonly he did look at me that way… as his girlfriend.Sincewe defined our relationship as a friendship,Spencehasn’t acted likeI’manything more than a pal.Theteam’s unofficial scorer, his study buddy, someone to go to hockey games with, a best friend?Maybea best female friend.

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