Page 61 of Winning Play

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Page 61 of Winning Play

“Hi,I’mCecelia, your nurse this evening.Let’smake you as comfortable as possible.Thesecovers are heated and should warm you up.”Shespread a blanket across the bed, and its warmth calmedKim’sshivers.Ceceliaadded a second cover. “Better?”

Kimnodded. “Somuch better.Thankyou.”

Shesmiled as she fluffed the pillow behindKim’shead. “I’llget you something warm to drink as soon asDr.Chadwickgives the okay.”

“Where’smy brother?”

“Hoveringby the door.I’llget him as soon as we have yourIVin place.Fluidsto help you feel better.”

Kimaverted her eyes and concentrated on slow, deep breaths.Shedidn’t want to watch the needle inserted into her forearm.Toher surprise, she felt nothing until the nurse applied the bandage to hold the catheter in place.

“I’llbring your brother in.Then,I’llcheck on the fluidsDr.Chadwickordered.”

Kimclosed her eyes.Evenwith the dim lighting in her area, her eyes hurt.Shewanted to sleep… and find out if their team had won the match.Sheheard someone pulling the curtain aside and sawDaveandDr.Chadwickwalking toward her.

“Youhanging in there,Kimmy?”Daveleaned to kiss her cheek.Shereached for his hand asTompulled a chair closer to the bed.

“Goodnews,Kim.TheCTscan shows no bleeding or swelling—no signs of serious brain injury,” he started. “Butyou do have a concussion.Youcould experience headaches, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and memory issues.Thesesymptoms may occur over the next few days; sometimes, they can linger.Thecourse of treatment—rest, take pain medication as needed, and limit your physical activity.”

“Forhow long?”Daveasked.

“Untilsymptoms clear up.Kim, you may have trouble with concentration or organizing your thoughts.Giveyourself time to heal.Nodriving, alcohol, or recreational drugs.”

“WhencanIgo home?”

“I’dprefer to monitor you here at least overnight.Justcautious.”

Kimwrinkled her nose. “ThenIcan go home?”

Tomchuckled. “Assoon as possible.Remember, time is your friend.”

“Kim, you can stay with us for a few days,”Davesaid. “Abit ofR&RuntilTomgives you the all-clear.”

“Whatabout classes?”

“I’llwrite a letter to your professors,”Tomsaid. “I’venever had a problem getting accommodations for these situations.”Hestood and picked up the iPad he’d set on the end of the bed.HemetKim’seyes with a smile. “We’lldeliver fluids, electrolytes, and medicine via theIV.Besure to speak up if you’re in pain or feel worse.I’llbe around, and the staff knows to contact me.”

Kimnodded. “CanIhave visitors?”

“Oneat a time.Notthe entire volleyball team.”Tom’smouth quirked. “Notthe time for a celebration.”

“Ifwe won.”Kimpeered at her brother. “Doyou have my iPhone?”

Davenodded asTomspoke. “I’llcheck in with you later,Kim.”


Davehanded the phone to her. “Ispoke withSpence—he knows theCTscan’s clear.”Heturned to followTom. “Beright back,Kim.”

Tryingto focus on the screen,Kimsquinted and askedSirito callSpence.Straightto voicemail.Sheleft a brief message, set the phone beside her, and closed her eyes.Theadrenaline faded, and overwhelming fatigue took its place.

Davestood outside the observation section of theERand called to updateLauren.

“I’llcome over so you can go to the game,” she said.

“She’sasleep.I’llaskSpenceto stop by—he’s rather eager to seeKim.”

“Ican imagine,”Laurensaid with a soft laugh. “DidTomsay he’d sendKimhome tomorrow?”

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