Page 62 of Winning Play
“Ifnothing changes, yes.I’llcall my parents, then head over to the arena.”Theyspoke a few minutes longer, and thenDavepressedSpence’snumber and coordinated plans as he walked toward the nurses’ station.Hegave his andLauren’scontact information and explained thatSpencewas on his way. “PleaseremindKimwhat’s going on if she falls asleep beforeSpencearrives.”
“Noworries,Mr.Martin.We’remonitoring your sister and will take good care of her.”Sheclicked a few keys on her computer. “Dr.Chadwickwill stop by before he checks out, too.”
Kimstruggled to swim against the current, her lungs begging for breath.Whenshe broke the surface, she forced her eyes open to a misty, gray fog.Shestruggled to remember what had happened.Kimturned her head and thought a shadow hovered nearby.
Thefigure responded, the words distorted.Shesensed she was slipping back underwater.
Someonestroked her hand. “Takeit easy, babe.Dave’sat the arena—asked me to stay with you.”
Thatvoice!Itreverberated in her mind, andKimblinked.NotDave.Butit couldn’t be…Asher vision began to clear,Kim’sheart thundered in her chest, and a chill of terror shot up her spine. “Getout of here!”Kimshrank against the bed as he moved closer.
“Kim, you’re okay.”Hehovered above her, leaning to look into her eyes.
Kimrecoiled and tried to push him away, then her wrist screamed with sharp pain.Loudbeeps and alarms erupted from the monitoring station.
“Getout!Now!”Shewrenched her hand from his grasp and fought rising panic.Herbrain registered that a second person burst into the room.
“Kim, what’s wrong?”
Thenurse…Cecie?Someonereached to push a button above the bed. “Sendsecurity,” she said, then addressed the intruder. “Sir, please step away from the bed.Whoare you, and why are you here?”
“I’mher boyfriend.”
Thecalm voice grated onKim’snerves, and she shook her head. “No, he’s not!”
“Kim, do you know him?”
“My… my ex…He’ssupposed to be inVancouver, not here.”
Twosecurity officers entered the space. “Sir, you need to leave,” one officer said. “Now.”
“I’mnot her ex.Hisname’sFinnHendricks, and he lives inVancouver.”
Theofficer moved closer to him. “Sir, yourID.”
Kimwatched as the intruder pulled his wallet from his pocket, opened it, and displayed theID.Theofficer looked at theIDand then at the intruder’s face. “ChathamJohnSpencer?”
“Yes.Igo toFCUwithKim—her brother,DaveMartin, plays for theSuns.HerequestedIremain with her while he’s at the arena.”Hisvoice softened, and he glanced atKimbefore turning his gaze back toward the officer. “Kimjust woke up, she’s confused.”
Kimaverted her gaze, focusing on the wall while she tried to steady her racing heart.Herbrain fuzzy, she questioned what she’d seen and heard.Finn…Spence?
“Ma'am,” the second officer spoke up, andKimjolted back into focus. “Doyou knowMr.Spencer?”
“Spence... yes.”Whyisn't he here?“Iwant him.Idon’t wantFinnHendricks.”
Ceceliastood nearby and cushionedKim'shand. “Whydon't you all wait outside?I’llfix thisIV.”Shewaited until the room emptied.Shespoke toKimas she cleaned the torn skin and started a newIV.
“I'mso... so confused.”
“That'sexpected with a concussion.Thepain medication can also cause confusion.Concentrateon deep breaths.I’llcheck withDr.Chadwick, okay?”
"Noone comes in without your permission,Kim."