Page 76 of Winning Play
Ashe walked across campus,Spenceacknowledged the depth of his feelings forKim.Heplanned to show her how lucky he felt to have this unexpected chance to find the woman he’d waited for.Hehadn’t been looking, but fate had deliveredKimright into his arms.
Spencearrived at the baseball field and immediately focused on the game.He’dreplay the afternoon withKimlater.Timeto concentrate on baseball.
Duringa break,Toddapproached him. "What'sup, man?You'replaying with an abundance of energy today."
“Gettingready for the game tomorrow."
Toddraised an eyebrow. "YouandKimjust disappeared."
Spenceshrugged. “Alot of assignments to catch up on—plus she needed a nap."
Toddclapped him on the back. "Takinggood care of your girl."
Afterpractice,Spenceshowered before returning toKim'sdorm apartment.Hedetoured to a small florist and selected a planter containing a lushLilyof theValleyplant.HopeMom’sright about these not triggering allergic reactions.Hesmiled when he replayed their conversation—no mistaking the surprise and curiosity inMom’svoice.Planninga trip toTampato meet my new girlfriend?NodoubtI’llhear fromSavannahwhen she hears the news.
Heused the swipe cardKimhad given him to enter the building.Afterknocking on the door, he foundKimin the kitchen and set the plant on the counter near the window. “Ihave it on good authority that these aren’t highly allergenic.”
“IloveLiliesof theValley—one of my favorites.”Kimleaned in to sniff the flowers. “Ionce had a cologne—MugetdesBois—Iloved it.Thankyou!”Sherose on tip toes to kiss him. “Howdid practice go?”
“Good.”Spenceslipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “Didyou get some sleep?”
Kimlaughed. “Alittle… butImissed you.”Shestepped back and nodded toward the counter. “Iordered some pasta and chicken.Doyou have a team meal?”
“No, we’ll have brunch tomorrow for the afternoon game.Thanksfor this, babe.”Hepeeked in the oven, then reached for her. “Timefor an appetizer?”Helifted her chin and cocked an eyebrow in question.
“Adelicious appetizer?”Kimasked as she slipped her hand behind his neck and fingered the thick hair.Spence’slips brushed against hers.
“Definitely.”Hedeepened the kiss while he ran his hands over her shoulders and back.Thelight scents of verbena, rose, and jasmine reminded him of a summer day.Hislips drifted below her ear as he whispered, “Baby, you have no idea…I’vewanted to hold you like this, kiss you…”
Kimpressed against him. “I’vedreamed about you,ChathamSpencer.”
“Yeah?”Hecaptured her lips again. “So, you’ll go on a date with me?”
Kimhummed as she returned the kiss. “Anytime you ask.”
Theoven buzzer startled them, andKimlaughed as she stepped aside. “Whoknew a timer could act as a chaperone?”
Spencebrushed his fingers against her cheek. “Nochaperones on our date,Popcorn.”
Kimawoke to a beautiful, sunny, not-too-hotTampamorning—a perfect day for a baseball game.Kimfelt wound up and couldn’t wait for theStormSurge’sgame versusOrlando.Shefelt good, had more energy than any day since the accident, and longed to return to normal.Spencehad urged her not to push herself, butKiminsisted she move on with life.Absolutelydo not want to miss this game!
Shedressed in lightweight jeans and anFCUbaseballT-shirt and gathered her scorebook and supplies.Sheslipped them along with the bottle of pain relievers—just in case—into her bag and pulled on her hat as she left the dorm.Forthe first time, she felt free from the concussion’s after-effects.
Theteams had yet to take the field whenKimentered the baseball complex and walked to her seat.Alarge crowd had gathered in the stands and out in the grassy area beyond the outfield fence.Manyspread towels in the area, and coolers dotted the greenspace—the designated “party section.”Shesaw some of the people she’d met on the committee coordinating the tournament.Notsure how much of the game they’ll see, but looks like fun.
Shewatched as players wandered onto the field, stretching and jogging before their warmups.Shesuspected many wished to observe theOrlandosquad, who’d just begun their allotted pregame time on the field.ShesawSpenceleaning against the dugout fence, observing the opposing team’s workout.Helifted his chin when the third baseman glanced at him, then nodded in acknowledgment.Mustknow each other from prior seasons.Shedid not want to distract him and watched as groups of younger-appearing girls—high school teens?—leaned over the railing, seeking his attention.Astrike of jealousy stabbed her chest even asSpenceignored them.Wow,Spence’sown fan club.
Onlywhen two young boys in their baseball uniforms called his name from the other end of the dugout didSpenceglance over and greet them as he strolled toward them.Theyheld scorecards and a pen and politely asked for autographs.
Kimcouldn’t hear what they said orSpence’sresponse, but the boys’ excitement caused her to smile.Spencethen called to some of his teammates and nodded toward the boys.Their“Thanks,Mr.Spence!” warmed her heart.Spenceintroduced the boys to the teammates who approached, then turned toward the dugout.Hiseyes flickered to meetKim’s, and he winked as a smile spread across his face.Heslipped through the locker room door beforeKimcould respond, and her heart pounded as a surge of emotion swept through her.
Spenceshook off his teammates’ teasing about the “groupies” in the stands and held up his hand to share his observations about the athletes he recognized on the opposing team. “Idon’t see much difference from last season’s team.That’sa tough, experienced group out there—if you’re new this year, be prepared for drag bunts, fly balls to the gap, trying to stretch singles into doubles, and running at every opportunity.”
“Spence’scorrect,”CoachDavisadded. “We’vewatched two of their home games—be prepared.Thepitchers will use the pitch clock to keep you off-balance.Theirpitchers average sixty-forty throwing at the eight-second mark versus releasing the ball with one or two seconds remaining.Ofcourse, our strategy is to get into a rhythm—don’t play games with the timer.Remember, the best defense against stealing is that quick-release pitch.CoachRamirezwill give you his instructions and the starting lineup in a minute.Let’smake him proud, team.”