Page 77 of Winning Play
Spenceleaned back on his chair and noticed their freshman pitcher,IvanWestgate, fidgeting nervously.Heleaned towardToddandEric. “YouthinkWestie’sgetting into his head over there?”
Toddfrowned. “Yep.I’llget him started loosening up and talk him through it.I’llcheck in withCoachfirst.”
“Goodcatch,”Toddmurmured. “Itshouldn’t, but this feels like a must-win.”
“Allour games this year could qualify as must-wins.Wecreate our own pressure—maybe we give off the wrong vibes to the younger players.”
“Disagree.Betterthey learn to deal with the pressure now than inMay,”Ericadded.
Spencenodded. “Then, let’s make sure we model hustle, alertness, and composure.”
Toddslapped his shoulder. “Justkeep doing what you’re doing,Captain.”
Reluctantto take her eyes off the field during play,Kimknew the surrounding seats had filled in but hadn’t glanced to see if she knew anyone.Sofar, the teams looked evenly matched, but in the top of the third inning,Orlandodrew a walk, advanced the runner with a hit and run, and currently had runners at first and third with no outs.Kimcould see the pitcher’s discomfort and heard his teammates’ encouragement.
Thenext pitch was hit sharply to first.Carlsonlooked first at the runner at third, causing him to stop mid-stride, then threw a strike to second base.Spencegrabbed the ball, stepped on the base, and then returned the ball toCarlsonto complete the double play.Kimsmiled as she recorded the play and added two stars for an exciting double play.
“Greatplay.”Kimjumped in surprise when she heard her brother’s voice.
“Dave!Howlong have you been here?”
“Notlong.Didn’twant to jinx your concentration.”
Kimsaw the amusement in his eyes and felt embarrassed that she hadn’t known he sat beside her. “Hi!Can’tbelieveIdidn’t realize you were right here.I’mso sorry,Dave.”
“Iknow your extreme concentration when scoring a game,Kimmy.Don’tworry about it.Lookslike a good game.”
“Verytense.I’mglad you came!”Kimrecorded the inning-ending strikeout and turned to hugDave. “What’sLaurendoing today?”
“She’shosting the planning committee for the spring gala, soIknew to disappear for a while.”
Kimsnickered. “Iknow how much you love black-tie events.Butyou usually win some amazing trips and jewelry!”
“YoumeanIusually spend too much money,”Davesaid. “IfI’mnot around for the planning,I’llhave plausible deniability for whatever schemes they devise involving the players.”
“Bachelorauctions—fun when you’re an exempt married man.”
“Thankfully.Though, the married couples accompanied the winners on a double date last year.”Daveturned his attention to the field. “Spenceplaying a good game?”
“Yes.”Kimpointed to his line on the scorebook. “Doubledin the second but didn’t score.”Shefocused on the on-deck circle whereSpencestretched and swung the weighted bat. “Maybethis inning.”
Withher brother seated beside her,Kimtook care that her eyes didn’t linger onSpencetoo long.Shedidn’t want to giveDaveanything he could use to tease her—even though she knew he likedSpence.However, whenSpencelaunched a fastball over the right field fence the next inning,Kimdidn’t care who saw her jump, cheer, and whistle as he dropped his bat and ran.Kimnoticed the entire crowd erupted in celebration.Nohome run trot for my shortstop.
“Playoffgame vibes,”Davesaid as they watchedSpenceround the bases.
“Mainrival.”Kimgrinned as she watchedSpencehigh-five third base coachPeteDavisbefore heading toward home plate.Hiseyes found hers when he turned to jog back to the dugout, makingKim’sheart feel like it would burst.Myguy—not my pretend boyfriend.HowdidIget so lucky?
“You’regood luck,”Kimsaid toDave.
“Nope, just lucky to see him go yard.Hesmacked that pitch.Howmany home runs so far this season?”
“Youthink?”Daveteased her. “Ms.OfficialStatistician?Giveme his deets.”
“Hittingover four hundred before this game, fifteen doubles, eleven homers, twenty-twoRBIs.”