Page 80 of Winning Play

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Page 80 of Winning Play

“No,Iwant the entire veggie wrap and maybe half of yours.”Spence’slips quirked. “Unlessyour brother wants it?”

“Nope—I’llhave the grilled chicken salad.”HesentKima wink. “Worst-case scenario, you’ll have lunch for tomorrow.”Davewaited until the server collected their order, then leaned toward them. “Ihave some good news for you.”


Davedid a double take, andSpencelaughed.

“Wheredid that come from?”Davesputtered.

“Wishfulthinking, maybe?”Kimfelt her cheeks flush. “Youguys have been married almost five years.”

“Haveyou andLaurentalked about this?”

“No, no.Justthought about theSuns’ kids—Danny,Jenna,Kayleigh—andJake’sboys.You’dhave a great babysitter.”

“I’llbe sure to keep you posted.”Daveshook his head. “Iwanted to update you onMr.Hendricks.”

“Youhave news aboutFinn?”Anxietypulsed throughKim.Spenceplaced his hand on her leg, and she gripped it.

“Goodnews,”Daveemphasized. “Jakehad an exhibition game inVancouverthis weekend.Helocated the dealership whereHendricksworks.”Davepaused and suppressed a smirk. “Jakestopped by and had a ‘conversation’ with him—put him on notice.Onlya fool would ignoreJake,Kimmy.Bythe way,Hendricksbluffed about the car damage.Jakesaid he’d pay ifHendricksproduced a bill or showed him the car.Hetripped over himself, walking it back, whenJakesaid he’d get the information fromHendricks’ father.”Davemet her eyes. “Hendrickstried to tellJakeyou were lucky he hadn’t pressed assault charges.”

“Oh, no,”Kimmoaned, her hand grippingSpence’s. “Hecan’t do that after all this time, can he?”

Daveshrugged. “Jakelaughed in his face and told him ‘Goodluck.’Hepointed out thatFinnmaynotwant the world to know what a deadbeat he is.”

KimheardSpence’scurt laugh, but she didn’t reply for a long moment.Shetook a deep breath to calm her nerves. “So,JakethinksFinnwill stay away fromTampa?”

“Ifhe has half a brain.”Dave’stight smile reassured her.

“Notsure he does,”Spencesaid under his breath.

Kimnodded. “Thanksfor what you andJakedid—I’mlucky to have you as my brothers.”

“We’rethe fortunate ones.”Davepaused momentarily. “Butwe’re not assuming anything.Wedecided to keep the investigator for a while longer.”

“Doyou think that’s necessary?”Kimsaid. “JustbecauseIimagined hearing his voice during the tournament, there’s no need to spend more money.IknowI’mparanoid.”

“Youhave a valid reason to worry aboutHendricks,Kimmy.Don’tworry aboutJakeand me doing something that prevents surprises.It’sworth it to both of us.”

SpencesqueezedKim’shand. “Tryto put him out of your mind.Ican suggest better things to occupy that real estate.”Hegrinned, andKimrelaxed.

“Thanks, guys.”Kimfelt her eyes well up with tears.Toher relief, their lunch arrived at that moment, a welcome distraction. “Wow,Ijust realized how hungryIam.”ShenudgedSpence. “Idon’t thinkI’llhave anything to share with you.”


“Youwant to pick up some ice cream?”Spenceasked when he andKimreturned to campus later that evening.

“Maybelater…Ienjoyed that wrap way too much.”Kimsqueezed his hand. “Thanksfor going to dinner with us.”

“Wouldn’tmiss it.Relievedto hear the update aboutHendricks.”SpencepulledKimagainst his side and pressed his lips against her head. “Maybewe can stop looking over our shoulders now.”

“Canjust see him squirming whenJakecalled his bluff.”Kimbit back a giggle. “Dave’sintimidating, butJake’s… let’s say… less restrained.Hestrikes first and apologizes later—Finn’sluckyJakefound him at work.”

Spencerhuffed a laugh. “Iwouldn’t want to get on either of your brothers’ bad side.”

Kimput her arm around his waist. “Idon’t think you need to worry about that,” she said with a small laugh.Shebit back a yawn. “I’msorry—IthinkIjust hit the wall.”

Spenceturned her toward him. “ShallIgive you a lift?”Hemoved as if to lift her, butKimshook her head and patted his chest.

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