Page 81 of Winning Play
“Noneed.Ican walk.”
Assoon as they entered the apartment,KimgraspedSpence’shand and led him to the kitchen, stopping by the fragrant lily of the valley plant.
“It’sin full bloom now—look how beautiful?”Sheleaned closer to inhale the fragrance, then beamed a smile atSpence.
Spence’shand cupped her cheek. “You’rethe gorgeous one.”Hebrushed his lips against hers. “Mybeautiful, incredibly talented, and unbiased team scorekeeper.”
Kimgiggled against his lips. “Youdon’t thinkI’mbiased?”
“Haven’tlooked at your scorecard for today.”Heremoved her cap, gently released her ponytail, and ran his fingers through her thick hair. “Ilove seeing you at our games.Thathome run had your name on it.”
Herfatigue vanished as quickly as it had overwhelmed her.Kimwelcomed the kiss, resting her hands against his chest, and then slipped her arms around his neck.Shebreathed the scent she associated withSpence—freshly cut grass, a hint of citrus, and sandalwood.Sheopened her lips, eager to take the kiss deeper, and when he nibbled on her ear, a jolt of lightning sizzled directly to her core.Hislips returned to hers, andKimpressed against him, craving the sensation of their bodies pressed together.WhenSpencepulled back to look at her eyes, she murmured a protest.
Hislips quirked, and she saw his blue eyes darken. “Babe, are you sure you want this?”
“MorethanIcan express.”Sheentwined their fingers, pulling him away from the kitchen and then looking back at him when he pretended to resist. “ChathamSpencer, amImaking a fool of myself?”
“Never.”Heswept her into his arms and kissed her as he carried her to the bedroom.Heplayfully dropped her on the mattress and pulled her into his arms as he fell beside her. “Idon’t want a casual relationship,Kim.Ineed commitment—you and me—exclusively.Idon’t want to look at another girl.”Hepaused to kiss her again. “Iknow it’s too early to promise forever, butIcannot imagine a more perfect partner,Kim.I’mall in—do you want the same things?”
Kim’sthoughts swirled as she brushed the hair away from his face.Shesaw the sincerity in his expression and the desire and hope in his eyes.
“Spence…WhenIcame here,Iwanted nothing to do with men.Ididn’t want to date, open myself up to another guy, or risk more hurt or damage to my self-esteem.ThenImet this most amazing guy, a new friend—my best friend.Ipromised myselfIwouldn’t think beyond friendship, afraid to want anything more.”Herfingers traced his lips. “Myheart didn’t care.Fakedating allowed me to pretend what we have is so much more than friendship.Ifthere’s a chance for something beyond friendship,Iwant to explore that with you.”Sheleaned toward him and pressed her lips against his. “Onlyyou,ChathamJohnSpencer.”
Kimpulled back slightly, worried she’d said too much.Shefelt the emotion build in her chest.Wayto babble,Martin.
Hishand touched her chin, coaxing her eyes to meet his.Heleaned to kiss her, tenderly at first, then increasing in intensity. “We’reon the same page,Kimberly.”Thewords whispered against her ear soothed her insecurities and allowed her to trust, hope, and begin to dream.
Astheir kisses became more urgent,Spence’sfingers and mouth exploredKim'sbody.Hetook his time, savoring the moments, making sure that each touch, every caress, was perfect.Kimfelt the world’s weight lift off her shoulders as she gave herself over to the dormant emotionsSpenceawakened.Hemakes me feel alive, desired… loved?
Whatbegan as an expression of mutual commitment evolved into a passionate dance.Eachmovement built toward a crescendo of pleasure that left both breathless.Asthey lay in each other's arms afterward,Kimwaited for remorse and self-doubt to creep into her mind.Butas she rested her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat,Kimonly felt cherished and hopeful.
Theinsistent buzz from his cell phone awakenedSpence.Ittook a moment to remember where he’d fallen asleep.Kimnestled against his side, her arm draped across his chest.Hereached for the phone and sawTodd’sname flash on the screen.Twoa.m.?Nothinggood ever comes from a middle-of-the-night call.
Hesilenced the phone and carefully releasedKim, then rolled to the side of the bed.Heclosed the door behind him and calledToddfrom the kitchen.
“What’sup?” he asked in a low voice.
“Acouple of our guys got detained for public intoxication.Justgot a call from the campus police—you want to talk with them?”
Spencesighed. “Arethey taking them downtown or booking them?”
“Don’tknow.Westgatejust called in a panic.Saidhe needs us to vouch for him.”Todd’svoice reflected anger and exasperation.
“Meetyou there in ten minutes.”Spencequietly dressed, thankful thatKimhadn’t stirred.Hewrote a quick note, set it on the bedside table, then brushed his lips against her temple.Hedebated waking her, then decided against doing so.Kimneeds her sleep.She’llunderstand—I’lltalk to her later.
Hesilently locked the door to her apartment and sprinted to the campus police headquarters.ToddandEricwaited for him inside the outer office.
“Carlson?”Angerbubbled insideSpence. “He’sa freaking senior—what the hell?”
Toddshook his head as an officer opened the door.Spencerecognized him—he’d met him at games and saw him on campus occasionally.JarodIsaacs.Goodguy.
“CaptainSpencer, doIassume you three came here to take responsibility for underage, rowdy, drunk athletes before we send them downtown?”Theofficer’s taut expression and no-nonsense tone matchedSpence’smood.