Page 84 of Winning Play
“You’vebeen holding out on me,Popcorn.”Spencegroaned with relief asKimpressed the base of her palms on either side of his spine. “Youdidn’t say you’re a massage therapist.”
“Hardly.Ihad two very demanding brothers when they were in their teens.Ihad to sit on their backs to get the preferred pressure on their shoulder muscles.”
Heturned to look at her, a speculative smile crossing his face. “Thatso?Feelfree to employ all your techniques.”
“Theyditched me as soon as they could afford licensed therapists.”Kimgiggled and shifted to his shoulders. “You’rein knots,Spence.Youneed a deep-tissue massage.”
“Giveme the full treatment, babe.”Heshifted his eyes to hers and reached to pat his lower back.Hiseyes challenged her playfully.
“Idon’t want to injure you.”
“Youdon’t weigh enough to hurt me, babe.I’lltell you ifIthink you’re breaking anything.”Hissmirk propelledKimto climb beside him on the bed and then straddle him on her knees.Runningmy hands against his bare shoulders and back—hardly an inconvenience.Lovethe feeling of his muscles under my hands.Goodthing he doesn’t know how oftenI’vefantasized about this.Shepressed her fingers against the knotted shoulders, using her weight to go deeper.
Spencesighed. “You’rean angel,Kim, a massage goddess.”
Shecontinued, remembering what her brothers had taught her years ago.Shecould feelSpence’sbody relax, and his breath evened out.Shethought he’d fallen asleep but continued applying light pressure—an excuse to explore the muscular planes of his back.Aftera while, she slipped to the bed and moved beside him, her hand maintaining contact with his skin.
Sensationsfrom the previous evening swirled through her brain.Spencehad opened her eyes to the stark difference between putting self-gratification first and ensuringKimtook every step with him.Hebrought her along in an unhurried exploration of each other, lingering kisses and glorious caresses.Heswept them into a building swirl of sensations and emotions, taking them higher and higher until they soared together over the cliff… into a worldKimhadn’t known existed.
Then, falling asleep nestled inSpence’sarms…Kimhad never experienced this level of intimacy and realized how empty and lopsided her “relationship” withFinnhad been.Neveragain.
Afrigid chill swept overSpenceandToddwhen they entered the team meeting.Ericraised his chin in greeting, but the others studied their shoes and the ground.Spenceexchanged a glance withTodd—not exactly the reaction he’d expected.
Can’ttell if they’re worried or pissed.Obviously, they’ve heard something.Hardto keep things quiet in the residence hall.
Toddmentioned he felt resentment from some of the other players when he left their suite. “Itcould be all in my head,County,” he'd toldSpence. “Butno one even looked my way.”
Lookingaround the room,Spenceagreed withTodd'sassessment.Heopened his mouth to break the thick tension as the coaching staff filed into the room.
CoachRamirezstepped forward, his presence commanding attention. “Gentlemen, take a seat.”
Spencenodded to the empty spaces in the first row, and anticipation permeated the air as he andToddtook their seats.CoachRamirezscanned the room, making eye contact with every person before he spoke.
“Latelast night—or rather very early this morning,Ireceived two phone calls that no coach ever wants to get.”
Spence’seyes jerked toward the coach.Twocalls?Whytwo?Helistened closely asCoachRamirezdescribed the call he'd received fromSpenceand his instructions to take the three inebriated players toTampaERfor evaluation for alcohol poisoning—followed by an urgent demand from the athletic director wanting to know why three of his players were in theER.
“Threeunderage team members.ThankgoodnessIknew the status because your team captain and co-captains called me as soon as they found your teammates at the campus police headquarters.Thankfully, they did the right thing,"Coachemphasized, then paused. "Alcoholpoisoning can result in death; consider that for a moment."Hisgaze swept across them again. “Wecould be having a very different conversation today.”
Thetension thickened again, everyone holding their breath untilCoachRamirezcontinued, "Icalled their parents... andIhave a meeting with theADand theDeanwhen this chat ends."
“Listenvery carefully, gentlemen—do not discuss this with anyone.Ifthe media contacts you, refer them to the sports information office.Nocomments on social media.Donot respond to anything posted.Period.Foryour informationonly,Carlson,Westgate, andCastilleare suspended until further notice.”
Spenceheard the collective groan rise from the group.HesawRamirez’seyes narrow. “Practicetomorrow at five in the morning.Ifyou have any direct knowledge about last night thatIneed to know—or if you participated in ‘celebrating’ with them, please come to my office immediately.Therest of you can leave.”
Spenceshot out of the locker room before his teammates could react.Hisanger simmered beneath the surface, but he refused to let it take control.Heknew his dreams of winning a national title may have evaporated, replaced by months of tedious classes working towards his degree.MaybeIshould have entered the draft instead of staying an extra year.
“Hey,Spence, wait up!”ToddandEricrushed to catch him. “Youall right,County?”Toddasked.
Spencewidened his eyes in frustration. “Pissed.Aren'tyou?”
“Theyacted like total morons.”
“Andit might cost us a chance at the championship title,”Ericadded.
Spencestopped walking and glared at them both. “It'snot just that — this could tear our team apart.I’msure there’s resentment for gettingCoachinvolved."