Page 85 of Winning Play

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Page 85 of Winning Play

Toddshrugged. “Well,someonehad to since they called for help.Notto mention that the hospital alerted theADabout the situation… what else were we supposed to do?”

Sighingheavily,Spencereplied, “Iknow we did the right thing by callingCoach, but still… what ifI’dstayed longer or hung out with them instead of leaving early?”

“Orif we’d babysat them when they left the post-game meal?”Ericscoffed. “It'snot our fault,Spence; they must own this mistake and deal with the consequences themselves.Weshould focus the rest of the team on what’s needed now.Otherplayers can step up into a starting role.We'vegot plenty of talented guys on this squad."

Spencenodded and gestured towards their residence hall entrance. “I'mgoing to pass on lunch—Ihad a late breakfast.I’llhang out in our room if anyone wants to chat or… whatever."Heflashed a tight smile before adding, "Seeya’ later," and walked off without waiting for a response.

Spencegrabbed a sports drink and energy bar before walking to the window overlooking the quadrangle below.Quiet, even for aSunday.Hefelt a sense of dread when he thought about the meeting that could decide his teammates’ fate.Gladthey’re not here right now—not sure whatI’dsay to them.Wasit worth it, guys?Riskingyour college baseball career by taking a celebration to the extreme?Avoice nagged his brain.He’dfailed them as the team captain.Heshould have stayed and not assumed the celebration would continue without incident…JustlikeIdid last year.

Hepicked up his cell phone to callKim.Asmuch as he longed to see her,Spenceknew he had to make himself available if teammates stopped by to talk.Tocall me out?Tellme thatIlet them down by not sticking around.Discusstheir worries about the team.Hangout until they receive further information?Allof the above?

Kimanswered the call immediately. “Spence, how was the meeting?”

“AboutwhatIexpected.They’resuspended and staying off campus.Coachis meeting with theADand theDeanto discuss the next steps.”

“Youmentioned zero tolerance,”Kimsaid, her tone sympathetic. “Dothey consider first offenses—or freshmen?”

“Idon’t know, babe.We’llfind out at our pre-dawn practice tomorrow, if not before.Iknow you won’t, butCoachforbade us from speaking with anyone about what happened.Nothingon social media, no reporters…Iguess the usual.”

“Ofcourse,Iwon’t say anything.WhatcanIdo for you,Spence?Ican bring you food, keep you company, anything.”

Spencesighed. “Ineed to hang out here for a while.Someof the guys might want to talk, vent,”Hisvoice trailed off. “I’llwait until we hear fromCoach.I’msorry,Kim,I’dmuch rather spend the time with you.”

“Areyou okay?”

Spencehuffed a laugh. “Notsure whatIfeel right now.Angryat them, at myself for not sticking around?Disappointed?Frustrated?Worried?Yes.”

“Youblame yourself?”Kimasked.

“Ishould have stayed.”Spencereleased a sigh as he stared out of the window.Hisfriends may have made a stupid decision, but he'd stand by them.

“Doyou think you could have prevented this?”

“IguessI’llnever know.”

“Spence, focus on how you can help them and the team.”HeheardKim’sencouragement, but it didn’t make him feel less guilty.

Heheard a light knock on his door. “Someone’sat the door.I’llcall you later, babe.”

Determinedto suppress her disappointment and anxiety thatSpencesounded like he blamed himself,Kimdropped her textbooks on the table.Iwon’t see him today.Can’texpect him to leave when his team’s in crisis mode.Ican work on the backlog of assignments.Nodistractions.Noreason not to concentrate.

Sheslogged through the last two case studies for her social media law class.Thankfully, we’ll start the independent study for the semester.PickingLauren’sandCaryn’sbrains for potential case studies—much more interesting.Willenjoy researching and producing a scenario based on an area whereIhope to work.

Kimpaused, suddenly anxious to check for any mention of the baseball team on the different social media streams.Don’tget distracted,Martin.Surelythat’s locked down.Nothingyou can do anyway.

Likewise,Kimtried to still thoughts about the previous night’s incredible interlude withSpence.Ifshe closed her eyes, she could relive each kiss, touch, whispered comment…Herbody throbbed with anticipation.Shedesperately wanted a repeat, but that would not happen today.DidSpenceregret coming home with her last night instead of hanging with his teammates?


Spenceopened the door to find his teammateRickCarsonstanding outside with a dour expression.Helooked like he hadn't slept at all.

“Youhave time to talk?”Rickasked, rubbing the back of his neck.

Spencenodded and stepped aside to let him in.Carsonsat on the couch, andSpencecould see his distress.

"Ican't believe this is happening,"Rickmuttered, running his hands through his hair. "Theyhad everything going for them.Andnow the team…”

"Westill do,"Spencesaid firmly. "Weneed to keep our heads in the game and not let anything—or anyone—bring us down.Wehave a responsibility to the team and ourselves."

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