Page 94 of Winning Play
Spenceturned on his side and pushed up on his elbow, and she saw his darkened blue eyes search hers.
“I’venever experienced anything like this,Kim,” he said as his fingers traced her lips. “You’reso much more than my ‘girlfriend.’Myfeelings go so much deeper thanIcan say…LikeItold you,I’mall in, babe.Youand me—the dream team.”Hislips quirked slightly. “I…never want to disappoint you.”
“Iunderstand,Spence.”Kimbrushed her hand against his hair. “Dowhat you need to with the team.Myfeelings won’t change.”
“Howis that fair to you?”
“Letme worry about it.”Sheran her finger across his lips. “Doyou need to get back?Whattime is it?”
Heglanced at his watch. “We’vegot time.Notenough…”Hekissed her tenderly. “Icould stay like this all night.”
Kimchuckled. “Me, too—but don’t miss curfew because of me.Showerwith me?”Shesaw a gleam brighten his eyes.
“Absofreakinglutely.”Spencestood and pulled her to her feet beside him. “Leadon,Popcorn.”
AfterSpencereturned to his residence hall,Kimretreated to her bedroom, pulling the comforter around her as she lay on her bed.Closingher eyes, she replayed the magical interlude, her heart filled with…love?…forSpence.Shehoped she’d never forget the sensations he’d awakened, the many ways he made her feel cherished, these new feelings flowing through her being.AmIin love withChathamSpencer?Maybe?Yes?…Yes,Ido love him.
Kimthought how dejected she’d felt sinceSpenceleft in the middle of that night.Sheknew she’d stopped him before he could say he wanted to pause—end?—their relationship.Unfairmove,Martin?Probably.Butif he meant what he said—all in with me—maybeIstopped him from making a mistake?Hopehe feels the same when he thinks about it.
Kimpromised to follow up with him, but right then, she wanted to stay in the afterglow of making love—yes, love!—withSpence.Shefluffed the pillow, inhalingSpence’slingering sandalwood and citrus scent, and hoped her dreams would recreate the bliss of the past few hours.
WhenSpenceentered the dorm suite,Ericdropped the video game controller and raised his eyebrows in question. “You’vebeen walking all this time,Spence?”
Spencedropped into the chair and propped his feet on the coffee table. “Nah—Istopped to seeKim.Ineeded to update her on everything.”
“Youdidn’t do anything stupid—like cooling things with her?”
“Didn’tcome up.”Spenceshrugged. “Ineed to manage my time and responsibilities better.”
“You’remanaging better than most.Stopshouldering the responsibility for the entire team—Youcan’t control dumbass teammates,Spence.”Hetossed a game controller to him. “C’mon, get your mind off team shit.”
Spencedidn’t need an alarm to awaken him for the early morning practice.Theglow of optimism filled his spirit for the first time in weeks.JustseeingKimand talking with her reminded me how muchIrely on her… need to spend time with her… and whatIfeel for her.Wedidn’t enjoy just physical pleasure yesterday.Hopeshe feels the same emotionsIdo… more than “like”… love?Maybe?
Spence’srenewed confidence buoyed him through practice and his morning classes.Hopingto seeKim, he cut across campus to catch her when she exited her first class.Hespotted her chatting with a fellow student, her overstuffed backpack pulling on her shoulder.Stubborn.Hejogged to her side and lifted the bag.
“Sorryto interrupt, babe,” he said. “I’vegot this.”
Hersmile caused joy—and a wave of emotion—to crash over him.Spenceresisted the urge to put his arms around her, instead acknowledging the studentKimintroduced.
“SocialMediaLaw?” he asked.Agroan from both students confirmed his guess, andSpencestepped back to allow them to finish their conversation.Heswung the backpack over his shoulder, wondering again how she managed to lug it around.
WhenKimturned toward him, a radiant smile illuminated her face. “Bestway to start my day,ChathamSpencer.”Sheput her arms around his waist and pressed close as she reached to kiss him. “Sohappy to see you.”
Spenceslipped an arm around her shoulder. “MayIescort you to your next class?”
Spencepressed his lips against her head. “Forgotyour bag’s so freaking heavy.”
Kimshook her head. “Don’tworry about it.Ican manage.”
“Dinnerthis evening?” he suggested. “Checkour schedules?”
“Yes,Ihave a ton of work on my plate, too,Spence.”Shesqueezed his hand.Theyentered the classroom, andSpenceset the backpack byKim’sdesk.Hetouched her cheek as he leaned to brush his lips against hers. “Later, babe.”
Spencesuggested they pick up some food, drive toClearwaterBeachfor a beach walk, and maybe catch the sunset.