Page 95 of Winning Play
“Twistmy arm,”Kimteased. “ShallIbring the cookiesIbaked?”
“Ifyou want me to give you a ride,” he joked. “Tenminutes?”
“Justneed to find my sandals and sunscreen.”
Kimslipped the wrapped cookies into a small tote, added two water bottles, and then rummaged through the bathroom drawer to find her sunscreen.Takinga moment to check her reflection,Kimbrushed her hair and gathered it into a low ponytail.Sheapplied mascara and lip gloss before dabbing sunscreen over her cheeks and neck.Shefelt beachy with the cut-off shorts and bright floral shirt, and her heart fluttered at the thought of the evening withSpence.
Hemet her as she exited the residence hall—Kimcould tell by the way his eyes brightened that he approved of her appearance.Spencehugged her with a kiss, then took her hand, intertwining their fingers.
“Bringthe cookies?”
“Youwant them now?”Kimoffered her bag.
“Nah… just checking.”Spenceheld her against his side until he opened the passenger door for her, then lingered over a kiss. “Missedyou, babe.”
“Missedyou more.”Kim’seyes followedSpenceas he walked to the driver’s side.Theblue polo shirt and board shorts hugged him in all the right places, emphasizing his strong muscles.Sheremembered running her fingers across the hard planes of his body.Herstomach flipped, andKimforced her mind elsewhere soSpencewouldn’t catch her gawking—lusting?—over his body.
Thegleam in his eyes spoke otherwise. “Hey… dollar for your thoughts?”Spenceoffered.
Kimgiggled. “Youdon’t want to know.”
“Oh,Iassure you,Ido,KimberlyMartin.”Spencerested his hand on her thigh, his fingers playing with the edge of her shorts. “WhatifIsaid, ‘dessert first’?”Kimsaw his blue eyes darken when they met hers.
“WhatifIsaid, ‘ditch the beach?’”Kimcountered.Thehesitation told her everything she needed to know.
Spencereleased a sigh. “Whosaid “anticipation makes the heart grow fonder?’—or something like that.”
Kimlaughed. “Iknow what you mean.”Sheplaced her hand over his. “Let’schase that sunset.”
“Perfect,”Kimsaid later as she andSpencerelaxed on the bamboo mat he’d spread on the beach.Thesimple dinner of wraps and pita chips—and cookies—felt like a feast as they lounged on the mat, sharing bites of food and sweet kisses while exchanging anecdotes from the previous weeks.Kimwatched the water darken as the sun dipped lower in the sky. “Thanksfor bringing this.”Sheran her fingers across the woven material.
“Alwayskeep it in the trunk.Neverknow whenI’llwalk on the beach with a beautiful woman.”
“So, you make a habit of this?”Kimcountered.Shewatched the smile spread across his face.
“Onlyin my dreams.”Hereached to stroke her cheek. “Andonly with myPopcorn.”Theirlips met, andKimfelt goosebumps puckering her skin despite the warm late afternoon sun.
“Youcold, babe?”Spencewhispered in her ear.
“Quitethe opposite.”Kimhugged him and continued, “You’remaking me want to do inappropriate things in public.”
Spence’slaugh washed over her. “So,I’mcorrupting you?”
Sheshook her head and buried her face against his shoulder. “Justdon’t tempt me.”
“Youstill want to take a walk?” he asked.
“Youokay with that?”Shepulled back and met his eyes. “Youdid promise me a spectacular sunset.”Kimwatched his lips twitch.
“Ikeep my promises.Dessertcan wait a bit longer, right?”Spencepulled back and raised her palm to his lips. “I’lltry to ignore how sexy my sweet girlfriend acts.”
Kimfelt her cheeks flush. “JustlikeIwon’t notice my sinfully hot shortstop.”
Spencestood and held out his hand forKim. “Let’sgo down by the water.Youcan catch me up on theMartinclan.”Hefolded the mat and carried it and the cooler to his car.
“Wait!”Kimcalled as he opened the trunk, then jogged to his side, slid her sandals from her feet, and tossed them next to the beach gear. “Let’swalk in the water.”
Spenceadded his, then grabbed her hand. “Raceyou to the water.”HeknewKim’scompetitive nature would kick in, and he matched his stride to hers until they reached the wet sand.Heslowed his pace and grinned as she raised her arms in a victory dance when she entered the warm surf.