Page 96 of Winning Play
“Thisfeels wonderful.Nexttime, though, let’s bring a float.Thewater’s so calm and peaceful.”Kimheld her hand toward him.Theystrolled in the ankle-deep water, andKimtook a deep breath of the fresh gulf air. “Ineed to get out here more often…Ifeel peaceful yet invigorated.Doesthat make sense?”
“Iknow what you mean.Seeingthe ocean or theGulfalways clears my mind and releases stress.I’veforgotten to take time to regroup, step back from the stress—crazy, because…”Hespread his arms toward the water. “… this takes little time to reach.”Spenceput his arm aroundKim’sshoulders and pulled her against his side. “Helpme remember?”
“Always.”Kimpaused to watch a pelican dive toward the water, skillfully scooping its prey and departing down the coast. “Ilove when a group flies in a line, scouting fish.”
“Haveyou ever watched a shrimp boat with flocks of birds and dolphins following its wake?”WhenKimshook her head, he continued. “Catchingfish… the dolphins look like they’re playing—jumping in unison, splashing and flipping.Whenwe were kids, we’d go to the beach whenever we spotted a shrimp boat.Atlow tide, the dolphins swim quite close to shore.”Helaughed quietly. “Alwaysa few tourists—mostly first timers—scream ‘Shark!’ when a pod of dolphins swims by.”
“Thatwould probably include me.”
“Nah, you can tell the difference.”WhenKim’seyes met his, he said. “First, you listen for the music.”
“Youknow, from the movie.”Hemimicked the opening refrain, andKimswatted his arm. “Okay, quick tip:Sharkfins move in a straight line.Porpoisesgo up and down.”Hemoved his hands to show the difference.
“That’sa relief.”Shepointed toward a bench near the top of the beach. “Youwant to sit there to watch the sunset?”
Spencekissed her forehead. “Yourwish, my command,Popcorn.”
Asthe sun slipped below the horizon amidst a backdrop of orange and pink pastels,Kimleaned her head againstSpence’sshoulder and tried to capture the blissful feeling.Aperfect interlude… magical day… plus last night.Wishwe could do this every day.
Shedidn’t realize she’d spoken the words untilSpencechuckled in agreement.
“Notsure when we’ll have time, butIagree.Asoften as possible.”Spencekissed her forehead. “Butright now, we should head back.”
Spencewished he could prolong the stolen hours.Kimhelped him forget the team’s challenges, at least for a few hours.Helingered in her apartment when they returned to campus.HepulledKimclose and wrapped his arms around her. “Youmake me feel anything’s possible.”Heran his hand against her hair. “Myschedule’s packed the rest of this week—games inWestPalmthis weekend, extra practice tomorrow and the next day…”
Kimkissed him to still his words. “Checkin when you can.Nopressure.”
“YouknowIwant to spend more time with you, babe.”
“Same, but there’s not much time left in the season… the semester.You’reworth the wait.”Thecorners of her eyes crinkled as a smile tugged at her lips.
“I’lltry to bring dinner before we leave forWestPalmThursday… “
“Ifyou can’t, don’t stress.Justsend me good thoughts.”
“Youbet.”Thesoft and lingering kiss left her wanting more. “Seeyou soon,KimberlyMartin.”
Althoughthey exchanged texts a few times each day,SpenceandKimcouldn’t coordinate schedules to get together before the team left for the weekend matchup inWestPalmBeach.Kimdidn’t mind—her heart fluttered each time her phone pinged, even if the message contained only a string of hearts.
Barbapproached her as she crossed the campus and asked if she planned to join the students taking the university buses to the annualBeachandBaseballweekend inWestPalm.
Kimhedged, clueless but trying not to show it. “I… uh…have some big projects due,Barb.”
“C’mon,Kim—everyone goes.It’sa campus tradition.Wehave a block of rooms reserved on the beach, and the school shuttles us to the games.”Barb’seyes sparked with excitement. “I’vegone every year… one huge party weekend!”
“Soundswonderful.”Spencehasn’t mentioned it.Hehas enough on his mind without worrying about me on the trip.Doubtthe coaches want them involved in parties with the university under investigation.“IwishIcould go,Barb—Idon’t see a way to finish everything before…Friday?”
“Weleave before dawn.Ifyou change your mind, call me.Youcan stay with me andJeanine.We’llmiss you.”
“Thanks,Iappreciate that.I’lllet you know if a miracle occurs!Enjoythe weekend.”
Shedidn’t mention it toSpencewhen he called her just before the team’s departure.Whyguilt him?Ifhe wanted me there, he’d have said something.Again, she remembered his attempt to suggest they take a break and pause their relationship.Inever gave him the chance to complete his thoughts.DidIadd to the pressure piling on?