Page 97 of Winning Play

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Page 97 of Winning Play

Shehoped she projected confidence and positive vibes. “Sweepthe series, and don’t forget thatI’llkeep score virtually.Iexpect a basketful of stars from you.”

“Thanks,Popcorn.I’llpretend you’re in your seat behind home plate.”

“Butno flirting with some random girl sitting there,”Kimteased.

“Asif, babe.”

Spencecarried his suitcase to the designated area near the team bus and double-checked his backpack for personal items, chargers, tablet, and phone.Asusual, he’d filled an empty pocket with high-protein snacks and energy bars to share with teammates.Hestrode toward the group of players inside the athletic center.

Withno information regarding the investigation,CoachRamirezreminded the senior leaders to focus on helping the newly promoted starters get comfortable in game situations.Spencejoined the group, not interrupting the conversation, then nodded whenToddcaught his eye and gestured outside.

“What’sup?”Spenceasked when they were out of earshot.

Toddrubbed the back of his neck. “Kim’snot cleared for travel yet?Barbsaid she isn’t joining the student group for the weekend.”

Spenceinwardly groaned but feigned nonchalance. “Projectsdue before mid-terms.Busytime for her.”

Afrown furrowedTodd'sbrows. “NoCoachKimat this series?”

“Hey, don’t make her feel bad, man.”Spencekept his voice light, but sudden guilt tugged at his mind.Whydidn’tIthink to invite her?ShouldIhave mentioned it to her?CometoWestPalm, butIwon’t see much of you.Notcool, butIhope she doesn’t feel left out.

CoachRamirezstressed the importance of avoiding the traditional beach parties hosted by various groups that weekend.Hewarned that conference officials may monitor the team’s actions off the field.Thesenior leadership knew their roles—mentor their teammates.WonderifTodd’sthought about that?I’llapologize toKimfor not mentioning the weekend.Butit’s a relief not to worry about making time to be with her.

Shakingoff the doubts,Spencejoined his teammates in boarding the bus and settled in, his thoughts now focused on the team and what he hoped to accomplish during this trip.

Thecampus looked like a ghost town onFriday.Thestudent busses had left beforeKim’sfirst class, and an eerie silence permeated the residence hall.Veryfew students gathered in the quad when she walked across campus.Exceptfor the grad school students.Thistrip toWestPalm—an undergrad thing?AtraditionIdidn’t know about?Noone mentioned it untilBarbsaid something—maybeIshould have gone?ButSpencedoesn’t need more pressure.Showingup inWestPalm?Uninvited?Can’tdo that.

Afterher last class,Kimstopped by the student center to pick up lunch.Lookingaround, she didn’t recognize the students gathered, so she strolled through the campus bookstore.Unlikethe week before classes started, the store had few customers, soKimenjoyed walking up and down the aisles.Shepicked out a few notebooks she didn’t need, a box of multi-color ink pens, and another pack of new highlighters.Totalnerd.Shewandered to the textbook section for the courses she planned to take during the summer semester.Temptedto pick out a book,Kimreminded herself that until she registered, she wouldn’t know which textbooks the professors required.Wasteof money,Martin.Don’tget ahead of yourself.

Shereturned to her apartment with her new supplies and lunch.Wonderif the team’s at the ballpark?Theguys still on lockdown?Hopethe incident and rumors haven’t spread throughout the conference—unimaginable pressure and scrutiny.Kimlonged to speak withSpence, encourage him, and wish him good luck.Hepromised to call when he could.

Backin her apartment,Kimset up her laptop to stream the afternoon game.She’dkeep score, as promised.

Withthe excitement, exuberance, and triumph overFCU’sdecisive victory in the first game,Spenceforgot the clouds hovering over the entire university sports program.Thethree new starters played like veterans.SophomorepitcherKyleAlexanderthrew five shutout innings, backup shortstopByronTellerplayed flawlessly in his debut at second base, and freshmanJoseSuarezlooked comfortable at first base.CoachRamirezpraised the team, reminded them of the mandatory team dinner, and reiterated the necessity of exemplary conduct at all times.Plus, a strict curfew.

“Youplayed like a veteran, man,”SpencetoldTelleras they exited the bus at the hotel.

“Youthink?”Byronresponded with a smile. “WishI’dknown that last year.MaybeIshould have tried to make the team at second base, not shortstop.”

Spencechuckled. “Youstill have time to decide where you feel most comfortable—shortstop or second base.”

“Thanks,Captain.Seeyou at dinner.”

Spenceobserved the young athlete as he walked across the lobby toward a girl who opened her arms to greet him.HenoticedBarbandJeaninewaiting forToddandEric, and a shred of doubt crept into his mind.Histhoughts drifted toKim, understanding and encouraging him to concentrate on his "priorities."You’rea shit boyfriend,Spencer.

Assoon as he returned to his room, he called her.

“Congratulations!Greatgame,” she greeted him.Thejoy in her voice reassured him—no disappointment in her tone.

“Thenew guys played like freaking veterans.Theygot the rest of us pumped.I’msorryIdidn’t hit a homer for you,Popcorn.”Heheard the rustle of paper and imaginedKimflipping the pages of her scorebook.

“Well, you got four stars on that double play you turned in the fifth,”Kimcountered. “Gamesaver.”

“Onlyfour stars?”

“Hey, don’t question the scorekeeper.Ican erase a few.”

Spenceimagined the sparkle in her deep brown eyes and chuckled. “Imiss you,Kim.I’msorryIdidn’t tell you about the student trip.Honestly,Ididn’t think about it.”

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