Page 87 of Power Play Rivals
I’ll miss him when he returns to Texas, but right now, I have bigger fish to fry.
But just as I’m halfway to them, I reconsider my options. Piper won’t think twice about snubbing me in front of Laurie, and if I want to be on an even keel with him in the boardroom, I can’t let that happen. This means I need a decoy—someone who will get her away from him long enough for me to get my point across. My lips twitch with satisfaction when I see Caleb Donovan drunk off his ass flirting with two women in the corner of the bar. I make a beeline to him instead, surprising the fuck out of him when I call him by name.
“Caleb, may we speak in private for a second?”
“Aye, aye, boss. Excuse me, sweetheart. Daddy will be back in a minute,” he says to the woman on his lap, giving her a kiss before shoving her out of the way. He then turns his attention to her friend to kiss her as well. “You two be good while I’m gone. Don’t start the party without me.” He throws them both a wink before turning around to give me his full attention. “What can I do for you, boss?”
“I need a favor,” I reply, eyeing his friends already making out behind his back.
He looks over his shoulder and grins at their antics.
“College girls. What can you do?” he smirks with a shrug.
“Right.” I roll my eyes. “As I was saying, I need a favor.”
“I’m all yours, boss. Does this favor consist of having to buy a shovel? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure I’ve got one in my trunk next to my bat and brass knuckles.”
You can take them out of South Boston, but you can never take South Boston out of them.
“No. Violence is not on the menu tonight.”
“Oh,” he grumbles, disappointed for not being able to live out his Boondock Saints fantasy with me.
Leave it to Caleb Donovan to get excited about the prospect of burying a body or getting his knuckles bloodied.
“The favor I have in mind is far tamer.”
I tilt my head for him to follow my line of vision and point to Piper and her new friend.
Thankfully, Caleb understands what I want before I even have to say a word.
“Want me to get Piper away from that douche canoe?”
“Very much so, yes.” I grin ominously.
“Not a problem,” he says, darting towards her at flash speed, so much so that I have to grab him by the shoulder to stop him from taking another step.
“There’s more?” he asks, confused.
“Yes. I also want you to make an excuse to get her outside. Can you do that?”
His brows furrow at that request.
“You do know she’s my agent, right?”
“I’m well aware.” I frown at the change in topic.
“Which means if you do her dirty, GM or not, you’re still going to get my foot up your ass if you hurt her in any way.”
“I promise you that is not my intention.”
He arches a brow, not even trying to hide his suspicions of me.
“And whatareyour intentions?”
“Honorable ones,” I lie.