Page 88 of Power Play Rivals
“Bullshit.” He laughs, crossing his arms over his chest. “You got a hard-on for Piper. That much is clear, or you wouldn’t have come to me asking to get her away from pretty boy over there. Hey, no judgment. Piper is hot with a capital H, so I get why you’re interested, but just because you want to dip your wick in her deep waters doesn’t mean she wants you to.”
“Caleb,” I interrupt before the idiot has time to say something that will get him punched in the face. “I would appreciate it if, in the future, you would refrain from talking about Ms. Lee in such a derogatory way. Otherwise, the only foot you’ll be seeing is mine crushing your skull.”
Any other man would have pissed himself after such a threat, but Donovan… he just grins like I’ve made his fucking day.
“Honorable intentions, huh?” He chuckles. “Okay, boss. I’ll getMs. Lee,” he says, emphasizing Piper’s name with finger quotations, “to follow me out of the bar. Where will you be?”
“Back alley.”
“Nice.” He chuckles. “Should I stay back as a watch out?”
“Not if you want to keep all your teeth,” I retort with a sinister grin.
“Fuck.” He laughs. “Got it that bad, huh? Okay. I’ll play Cupid. Give me five, and I’ll hand-deliver your girl to you. Just remember, you owe me one.”
And with that, Caleb skips through the crowd like a kid in a candy store, ready to raise some hell.
Fucking Donovans.
Always happiest when causing mischief.
Lucky for me, mischief is exactly what I’m in the mood for tonight.
Chapter 16
“You’re a saint, you know that?” Caleb slurs, draping his arm over my shoulders.
“Don’t I know it?” I grumble while doing my best to hold the drunken idiot up, not wanting him to fall face-first on the pavement. “I swear to God, next time you get shitfaced like this, I’m going to call your brother to come pick you up.”
“Nah, babe. You know Erin always busts my balls whenever I pull Jack away from her and the girls. Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s not as nice as she looks. She can be downright scary when she wants to be.”
“She’s only scary because you keep pulling stunts like this and pushing her buttons. I should know since you’re pushing mine right now.”
“You know you love me,” he sings.
I roll my eyes at the idiot and laugh when he starts pouting and batting his eyes like a cute, lost puppy. It’s really hard to stay mad at him. His childish antics make the idiot downright lovable.
“Where’s your car, Caleb? I don’t intend to spend the rest of the night dragging you around.”
“Over there.” He points to nowhere in particular. “Sorry for cutting your night short and pulling you away from that guy. He seemed into you.”
“He did, didn’t he?” I chuckle in amusement. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I wasn’t into him. Otherwise, you’d have to find another way to get your drunk ass home.”
“And leave Rita on the street all by her lonesome in the cold?” Caleb retorts, aghast.
“Rita?” I ask, confused.
“Yeah, Rita Hayworth. You know? My car?”
“You named your car after an old Hollywood actress?”
“Hey, she’s not old. Rita is a classic,” he says, offended. “My Shelby GT350 deserves some respect.”
“If you were going to give your car a woman’s name, wouldn’t it have been easier just to call it Shelby?”
“Easier, yes, but it wouldn’t do her justice. I mean, Shelby? To that beauty? Nah.” He shakes his head.