Page 67 of Preacher
I shake my head, trying not to smile. Christ, she's so damn fucking sweet. "You didn't hurt me. I'm pissed at myself for bein' such a dick. I shouldn't have kept pushing you away."
"I get why you did. Doesn't mean I liked it. But you had your reasons, Kane. I just hate that you had to go through all that you have."
I don't answer her. There's nothing I can say to that. My past is fucking shit, and it has led me to make some fucked up decisions.
I fucking love that she calls me Kane. I never thought I'd like anyone to use my given name, especially after all the shit that went down with my family. But hearing it from Ailbhe's lips, with that soft Irish lilt... I'll be fucking glad to listen to it for the rest of my life. I know without a fucking shadow of a doubt that I'm going to take her as my old lady. It's going to take a while for us to get to the point where I'll even broach that conversation, but after our discussion last night and then again today, I have a feeling we're on the right path.
First things first, Jed O'Connor is going to die a slow and painful death. Once he's finished with, Peter Mangan is next. There's no fucking way I'll let either of them live to taunt her again. No fucking way. They're done. They've both laid a hurt on her in more ways than one and I'll be damned if they try it again.
"Me and my brothers have a few things to do," I tell her, hoping she won’t ask for details. "We'll be gone for a while. This clubhouse is secure and no one is going to hurt you while you're here."
She looks at me with wide eyes. I can see the fear swirling in them.
"You're safe here," I promise her. "I wouldn't leave you and the kids here if I thought you weren't."
She takes a steadying breath and nods. "Okay. Thank you."
"We won't be long," I assure her. "Just got a few things to do, and then once we're finished, we'll be right back." I fucking hate that I'm having to leave her when she's obviously scared, but when I come back, I'll know that she's safe and that no one's going to hurt her again. I came so fucking close to losing her. It won't be happening again.
She rises to her feet and places her cup down on the bedside table. She's a little nervous, but she shuffles closer to me. "Be safe," she whispers as she wraps her arms around my waist.
I reach down and lift her into my arms. Her legs circle my waist, her arms going around my neck. "Look at me," I say thickly.
She raises her head and looks me in the eye. I’m falling so fucking deep for her. I think I have been since the moment I saw her. She was different to everyone else. She seemed unimpressed, but I knew she wanted me. She didn't make a beeline for me, though. In fact, I went to her. I chased a woman for the first time in my life.
"Never in my life have I had someone care for me the way you have." I press my head against hers. "I'm so fuckin' sorry, baby. The way I treated you wasn't right. It was anythin' but. I'm hopin' there will come a day that you can forgive me."
She shakes her head. "I already have," she says. "I forgave you when you were open and honest with me. I know how much it took for you to do that."
Christ... She gets it. She fucking gets me.
"I won't be long." I slam my lips down against hers. It was supposed to be a quick, hard kiss, but the second she parts her lips, my tongue slides into her mouth. It's hard and fast, and she's grinding against my crotch. If I didn't have somewhere to be, I'd throw her onto the bed and fuck her until she passes out.
Reluctantly, I pull back. She's breathless, her cheeks tinged pink and her chest heaving. "Sorry," she says sheepishly.
"Trust me, babe. I want nothin' more than to fuck you. Get some rest, then if you're up for it tonight, I'll fuck you so hard you'll pass out."
Her cheeks flame even redder. "Kane," she gasps.
I chuckle. She's so fucking sweet and so damn innocent. I nip at her lip, tugging it between my teeth. "Fuck," I hiss. I fucking hate that I have to leave her. This is bullshit, but it's something that needs to be done. I need her safe.
She slides down my body, her body pressing against my thickening cock. "Please be safe, Kane," she whispers.
"You have nothin' to worry about," I tell her.
She gives me a look that tells me she doesn't believe me. "You may think I'm dumb, Kane, but I'm far from it. I know you're going to find Jed. I'm not even going to try and stop you. There's no stopping you, so it would be stupid to try. But he's got a lot of men, and I don't want you to be hurt. So please, I'm begging you, be safe and be careful."
Could she be any fucking sweeter? The woman knows me too damn well and is a fucking lot more understanding than I thought she'd be. I misjudged her, and that’s my fault.
"I will. Now get some rest. Whether that's sleepin' or kickin' back and watchin' movies with the kids."
She grins. "Yes, sir," she says sassily.
"You can sir me later on when I'm fuckin' you. Now give me a kiss, babe."
She doesn't hesitate. She reaches up on her tiptoes and presses a kiss against my lips. Fuck, things are so fucking sweet for me right now. So fucking sweet.
I leave her in our room and make my way downstairs. "About time you showed your face, brother," Reaper says with a grin. "Thought you were goin' to be in bed all day."