Page 68 of Preacher
I glare at the asshole. "I wish I was," I snarl. "But we've got shit to do and I'm not waitin' around to do it."
Ace nods. "I agree, which is why I made a call and Denis and his boys are waiting for us. They've got a present for you."
I grin. "Then what are we waitin' for?"
* * *
We arrive at a secluded farm. I've not been this far out of Dublin before. But it's got a lot of acres and it looks like it would be a great place to build a house and raise a family. Fuck, I'm seeing things so fucking differently now. Especially now that I have my mind solely on Ailbhe and fixing what I have broken.
"Where the fuck are we?" Raptor asks. "Could we be any further from the city?"
Pyro chuckles. "We really could, but, brothers, you're about to witness somethin' fuckin' epic."
We walk round the back of the house, and I'm shocked to see there's a wood chipper and a fuck ton of plastic on the ground.
"Am I missin' somethin'?" I ask, glancing around, clocking that not only is Denis here, but so are his two sons, Danny and Malcolm, along with Stephen Maguire, Maverick O'Hara, and Freddie Kinnock.
"Preacher," Freddie greets me. "I heard through the grapevine that you're with Ailbhe Mangan?"
"What's it to you?" I ask, wondering what the fuck he's got to do with Ailbhe.
He chuckles. "She's a friend, that's all."
"You always put your foot in it," Maverick grunts. "Preacher, Freddie and Stephen know Ruairi. They have known each other for years. So when Freddie found out that it was Ailbhe who Jed was after, he checked in on her."
"Didn't work out too well now, did it?" Reaper snarls. "Ailbhe was hurt and ended up in hospital. She could have lost the baby."
All the men's faces go slack with shock. They didn't know she was pregnant. I don't think Ailbhe has told anyone other than her siblings.
"So, what's this present you have for me?" I ask, not in the mood to play games any longer.
Stephen smirks. "Alright, Preacher, I get it. You've got a lot to deal with, so Denis here, along with his boys, decided to help you out."
He nods his head, and I watch as Freddie and Maverick move to the side of the house. When they return, I'm shocked to see they each have someone slumped over their shoulders. "Preacher, meet Jed O'Connor and Peter Mangan."
I raise a brow, surprised these men have managed to get the two assholes here. I'm impressed. I smirk when they unceremoniously drop the men to the ground, both of the assholes groaning as they hit the ground with a loud thud.
Damn, that must have hurt.
"Stephen here has a special way of dealing with people. He's willing to let you use that technique. I must warn you, it's fucking brutal," Denis says with a cocky grin.
Now I'm intrigued. "Alright, then," I say, my curiosity getting the better of me. "How about you show me this technique with Peter." Her father practically sold his daughter to Jed. He deserves to die. But I want to be the one who kills Jed.
Stephen wastes no time. He walks over to the wood chipper and switches it on. I watch on with rapt attention as he then proceeds to lift Peter and walk him over to the machine.
"No fuckin' way," Reaper hisses. "No fuckin' way he's goin' to do that."
Oh, but I have a feeling that he is going to drop the cunt into the machine, and it'll be fun to watch as the bastard is torn to shreds as the machine works him over.
The screams that come from Peter as Stephen pushes him into the wood chipper would have most people running for the fucking hills. It's bone-chilling, haunting, and filled with pain and suffering. The man's howling like it's a full fucking moon.
I watch, completely fascinated, as Peter's arm is torn from his body, blood spurting everywhere, his screams getting louder and even more deranged.
Fuck, this is some sort of torture and I'm all fucking for it. I've never seen something so gory and ugly. It's like something out of a horror movie.
His leg gets sucked in and torn to shreds, just as his arm did before. It's fucking amazing and definitely something we should use in the future.
"It breaks everything up," Denis tells me. "It makes it into next to nothing, and as this is so far away from anything, the wildlife will take whatever's left."