Page 91 of Vices and Vows
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I mutter, making Vice chuckle behind me. His laughter makes his cock jolt, making me whimper.
Once he’s ready, Ryland drags his stool over to the left of us so he can sit beside me. “You ready?”
I nod, not trusting myself to open my mouth.
As the needle hits my skin, I jump. Ryland pauses for a moment before starting again. I grit my teeth, not realizing howpainful it would be. I should have expected it. It’s on my collarbone, for God’s sake.
Vice slides his hand up underneath my dress and strokes up my thigh. I want to grab his wrist, but I don’t want to draw attention to it in case the others haven’t noticed it. I close my eyes and hope that Vice backs off, but he never backs away from anything.
He circles my clit lightly, and I have to fight hard as hell not to move. His actions do distract me from the needle, which I guess was his intention. But I doubt he’ll be impressed if I start moving around all over the place and end up with an ink blob instead of his name.
I reach back and pinch his side. His cock jolts, but the rest of his body doesn’t react. Then his fingers start moving faster. I know he’s going to make me come if I try anything else.
I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood and try to center my mind while my body becomes a battlefield of pleasure and pain. Individually, they’re overwhelming, but together, it’s like one feeds off the other. By the time Ryland wipes away the excess ink, I can barely hold back my sobs.
Ryland tells me about my aftercare and places a covering over the tattoo after asking me if I wanted to see it. I shake my head rapidly as he looks at me with concern before tugging his gloves off. When the shop phone rings, Ryland excuses himself to answer it. As soon as his back is turned, Vice wraps his hand around my throat and rubs my clit hard and fast.
My eyes find the floor-length mirror just in front of us. All I can see is the lewd image of us together—my flushed face, my legs spread wide, and Vice’s hand wrapped around my throat, showing the wordmineacross his fingers as his dick erupts inside me, pumping me full of cum. It’s all too much for me, and I come hardas Vice cuts off my air with a squeeze of his fist so I can’t scream out my release.
The whole thing is so intense that even when the aftershocks have passed, I can’t stop shaking. My breathing is ragged when Ryland walks back over to us.
“You have any juice or Coke around here? Her blood sugar is low,” Vice asks, his voice sounding normal, the fucker.
“Oh, shit. Yeah, sure.”
When he leaves, Vice lifts me off him. My legs threaten to buckle, but then Conner is right there. He holds me up, making my humiliation complete, as Vice takes a handful of paper towels from beside him and wipes his cock before he tucks himself away. He drops to his knees in front of me, my eyes wide, as Conner grips me tighter, almost like he’s expecting me to run. I stare in shock as Vice cleans my pussy with his tongue. He gets to his feet with a satisfied look on his face before tossing the paper towels into the trash.
A second later, Ryland hurries through the door with a can of Coke. He sees me in Conner’s arms and looks worried, popping the tab on the can for me before holding it out for me to grab. “Here, maybe you should sit back down for a minute. The first time can be a little hard on virgins.”
“Oh, it was hard all right.” Vice winks as Conner chuckles.
I glare up at Conner, shooting him with invisible laser beams, but the fucker just grins at me.
“We’ve gotta go, Ryland, but we’ll make sure she rests, don’t worry. How much do I owe you?” Vice pulls out this wallet as Ryland tells him the price.
I let Conner usher me toward the door, where we wait forVice. Once he reaches us, Conner releases me and opens the door, scanning the area before letting us out.
Vice opens the back door of the car and waits for me to slide in before joining me. Conner gets in the front and starts the ignition.
Nobody says anything for a minute, and then I break the silence. “I should stab you in the other hand.”
Conner full-on laughs as he pulls out into the flow of traffic.
Vice leans into me, his hand under my jaw, turning my head so I can look at him. “There is no shame in what we do.”
I feel my skin heat again, dammit. Why do I always have to give away how I feel?
“I can’t control myself around you. I don’t want to. There will be moments when I touch you in front of others because nothing makes me harder than watching you unravel and witness their envy because they can’t have you. These are my tits, Nova. This is my pussy and my ass, and I’ll do what I want, when I want to. I dare you to try and stop me.” He growls the last part as I pull away and collapse back into the seat.
I’m a mess of feelings, and I have no clue how to sort through them all. On one hand, I’ve never come as hard in my life as I did just then, but my strict upbringing meant my exposure to sex was minimal. Nobody ever talked about it with me, about what it could be like beyond the missionary position. Vice is not a missionary man, and I think I’m just realizing that I’m not a missionary girl either.
By the time we make it back to the house, I’ve calmed down. The truth is, people are going to have enough ammunition against our relationship without me stressing about our sex life.
I’ve seen the worst of things—cleaning up after Aldo and Gia isproof of that. I didn’t know what a healthy sex life should look like, I just knew what it shouldn’t. It seemed to me there were two extremes: the fucked-up or the underwhelming. It never dawned on me that there would be a happy medium. Now, I’m not kidding myself into thinking that what Vice and I do is normal, but are we hurting anyone?
I think back to my wedding night and the dead body and decide it might be better if I don’t think about this anymore. Vice is Vice, and I need to decide what I can and can’t live with because he won’t change. And why should he? He makes no apologies for who he is. And unlike Aldo, he doesn’t wear a mask around me, pretending to be someone he’s not. He saves that for everyone else.
As the car comes to a stop, I turn to look at him and find him watching me like he has been the whole ride home. “You figure out what you needed to?”