Page 92 of Vices and Vows
No. But I’ll get there.
I slide my hand over his, lacing our fingers so I can still see the letters of my name. Something about him marking his skin with my name affects me more than the wedding band on his finger. Maybe because he can’t take it off, or maybe it’s because he’s not hiding me. For a girl who grew up thinking I didn’t matter to most people, it does something to my heart that he put my name in a place where everyone will see it, in a place where people will know that I matter to him.
Maybe that’s the answer I’ve been seeking all along. This life has no guarantees. Our life expectancies are far shorter than most. So, who cares about the insignificant details when this man, who owes me nothing, looks at me like I’m his everything?
Vice lifts my hand and twists it, kissing the inside of my wrist. I turn when Conner opens my door and holds his hand out for me,which I take, but I don’t let go of Vice as he slides across the seat to climb out with me.
I look up at the house as Vice moves closer, his arm going around my shoulders. And for the first time since this all began, it feels like home.
Chapter 30
We arrive in two cars, one being security, there to protect not just me but Nova as well.
She sits beside me in the limo, which I know is pretentious as fuck. But it’s big enough for all of us if we need to get out of here quickly, and it’s one of the few vehicles I have that’s bulletproof. It would take a fucking rocket launcher to do any damage to this thing, which is the only way I feel comfortable leaving her here without me.
I’m not a fool. I know I can’t shield her from everything, but I will for as long as I can. As soon as that will is read, things will change.
“No matter what, you stay in the car until Isaac comes to get you. The first meeting is with the other families. Aldo wanted it to be held after the reading of the will, but I managed to have it changed to before. I want to give him just enough rope to hang himself.”
“Just be careful. Aldo doesn’t care about the rules. He won’tthink twice about drawing a gun and shooting you if he thinks it will sway people to his side.”
I wink at her. “You don’t spend ten years behind bars without learning a thing or two.”
I kiss her hard, my teeth nipping her lips before pulling away. I climb out of the car before tearing off the wrapping around my fingers and sliding my wedding ring back on. Isaac and Conner step up beside me and scan the area. We are the first to arrive, which is how I planned it.
Conner has a laptop case slung over his shoulder, while Isaac and I go in empty-handed. Of course, the men who search us are fools, trusting us to follow the rules set out when they give us a basic search without checking us thoroughly. I have a gun strapped to my ankle and a knife in a custom-made sleeve insert, neither of which are detected. I know Isaac and Conner will both be carrying too. Conner sets the laptop bag down on the scanner. When it goes through without a hitch, he picks it up, and we head inside.
As we enter the large conference room with the circular table that could easily sit twelve if needed, I take a moment to scan the room before taking my seat. As the first here, I choose the spot where I can see everyone in the room, putting my back to the corner so nobody can sneak up behind me.
Conner and Isaac stand behind me, arms crossed and ready, as the others slowly trickle in. Not surprisingly, Aldo is the last to enter, looking smug as fuck as he greets everyone.
I can tell most people around the table aren’t fans of the man either, which makes my life easier. As much as they fear me, I’ve given them no indication that I’m a threat to them unless crossed. As far as they’re concerned, I took out my brother when I found out about his crimes. Crimes that, as a group, were voted againstyears ago. Human trafficking might be booming, but we like to think we’re better than thugs grabbing people off the streets. We run guns and drugs and a host of other less-than-legal enterprises, but selling children…
Taking out Dano proved to them that I would do anything to protect the sanctity of our family and our values. Stepping up to take my father’s spot might have made them nervous, but again, I haven’t rocked the boat. I’ve kept things running nice and smooth. It wouldn’t do to have them pointing fingers at me when I want them all looking at Aldo.
“Gentlemen, thanks for meeting today on such short notice,” Aldo starts as he sits, acting as if he’s in charge.
“It’s standard procedure when a don dies, Aldo. You know that even if you weren’t here for the last one,” Gian Rossi nods to me.
Aldo frowns but sits straighter, his two guards standing stoically behind him. “Yes, unfortunate business with Giovanni. My condolences, Vice,” Aldo says. I incline my head. “However, the situation here is a little different,” he continues.
“Why? Are you not stepping up as don of the Fiore family?” Mattia leans forward, his arms crossed over the edge of the table. He looks down his nose at Aldo, making me want to laugh.
“We both know that’s ridiculous. I’m the only person suitable to take over. I will lead us to even more prosperity.”
Isaac coughs as I barely hold back an eye roll.
“Yes, well, that remains to be seen,” Mattia, the oldest don, grates out. “Anyone here see a reason why Aldo shouldn’t be don?”
I keep my mouth shut, even though I have a thousand things to say. I have to bide my time for everything to fall into place. Aldo snorts, as if anyone would oppose him.
“No? Congratulations, then, Aldo. Will you be keeping Alessio as yourconsigliereor bringing in someone else?”
Alessio has been aconsiglierefor longer than some of these guys have been dons. They respect him and, from what I can tell, like him more than they ever did Vigo.
Aldo huffs. “I’ll have my own men taking over the pivotal roles. People I can trust. You get that, right, Vice?”