Page 21 of A Ruthless Lust
“All that luxurious dark hair and those mysterious dark eyes.”
“Ah, she’s attracted to me,” he whispered to himself with a grin.
“Of course she is, or she wouldn’t be on this date with you, nor be very open to your seduction.”
Anticipation brought his blood to a boil. He was definitely going to get Abby into his bed very soon. “Not only do I find you attractive, Abby, but I also love your honesty.”
Her smile slowly faded, and her lashes lowered to hide her eyes. Uncertainty made Damian shuffle from one foot to the other. He thought he’d been heading in the right direction with the flirtation. She just said she found him attractive. Surely, he hadn’t said anything wrong. Apparently, he was off of his game with Abby. Usually, he would have a woman swooning and falling right into bed by now. With Abby, he’d managed to screw up more than once- doing or saying something to upset her. He searched desperately for something to say.
“I feel guilty, Damian. I haven’t been honest with you.”
His shoulders stiffened. Out of habit, his expression went blank, and his eyes shuttered. For as long as he could remember, allowing others to see what he was feeling was a big no, no. No one would have that kind of power over him. Ever. “Oh?”
Abby inhaled deeply. “I had an ulterior motive when I accepted this date.”
Of course she did. Everyone had an ulterior motive when it came to him. It was always money or something else. Perhaps Abby only gave him the time of day to plead her family’s case. So, she’d been lying when she claimed to not know what was going on with her family’s finances. He clenched his jaw. “I see.”
Blue eyes met his, and he forced himself not to be pulled in. “You aren’t the only one playing the seduction game. I was hoping you would take me home with you tonight. Since meeting you, all I’ve been able to think about is sex. With you.”
Totally unexpected. In just a matter of a few minutes, Abby had held him in suspense, made him unsure of himself, and then shocked him to his core. His first impression of her had been right. She was a breath of fresh air, and she literally added color to his otherwise gray existence. Only a few days ago, he was forcing himself to feel something. Anything. Since meeting Abby, he was starting to feel too much.
Damian released a slow hiss of breath. “Please tell me you’re finished admiring these works of art.”
“I’m more than ready to admire another work of art somewhere more private.”
Damian felt like a teenage boy again, hormones raging and anticipation clawing at his gut. Everything else had been shoved to the far recesses of his mind. His suspicions about Abby, his guilt about invading her privacy, possibly making her a pawn in his twisted mission for revenge, everything, gone. The only thing on his mind was getting them to his place in one piece, in the fastest possible time frame, and tearing her dress from her delectable body.
Abby laughed. “You’re on your way to a speeding ticket.”
“I don’t care.” He’d pay any price to get a taste of the woman next to him. The logical part of his brain set off an alarm. Maybe he was going too fast with Abby. She wasn’t some woman he’d picked up at a bar with the intention of enjoying her for one night. The smart thing to do was to play the gentleman, take her home, and arrange another date. His sick agenda of using her aside, he enjoyed her company. What if jumping into bed ruined any chance of seeing her again? Screw it. He’d make sure they saw each other again. Getting what he wanted was his specialty.
“Do you always take women home with you so soon?”
He gave her a quick glance. “No. I take them to hotels.”
“So, you’re taking me to a hotel?”
“No.” It was official…he’d lost his mind. He could count the number of women he’d ever brought back to his home on one hand. And those were women whom he’d attempted to have meaningful relationships with. None of them lasted long.
“Should I feel special?”
Quirking a brow, he grunted. “We’ll decide on that in the morning.”