Page 22 of A Ruthless Lust
Chapter Ten
Abby scowled. How could the man be so infuriating and alluring at the same time? It was impossible. Yet, Damian somehow managed to accomplish that feat. They would decide in the morning if she meant more than just a roll in the sack. Despicable! But for some reason, she couldn’t wait to see what was in store for her. No doubt, he knew how to please a woman or so many wouldn’t throw themselves shamelessly at him. From some irrational part of her, jealousy reared its head, and she almost broke out into hysterical laughter. She was jealous of the other women Damian had been with when she hated him and was only supposed to sleep with him to get information.
Abby had always laughed at her rich peers who’d all had therapists since they were old enough to walk. It seemed she’d been too hasty in dismissing the need for one. She definitely needed psychological help, especially if she was going to see this entire revenge scheme through. She already felt like she was going crazy. One minute she resented Damian, the next she liked him. That had been the crazy cycle of her emotions since meeting him, and it had only been a few days. Imagine what would happen to her weeks into their relationship if she didn’t manage to get dirt on him soon. She’d end up in the looney bin for sure. An involuntary snort escaped her lips.
Damian gave her a fleeting glance. “What? Do you have a problem with my comment? I was only being honest.”
“I have no problem at all. It isn’t like you’re all that special to me either. I barely know you.”
“Yet you’re about to fall into bed with me. Not that I’m complaining.”
“Well, you’re no better than I am, Damian.”
His roar of laughter made her toes curl in her pumps. She was transported to the night they met when she’d been ready to offer herself up to him just because of the sound of his laugh.
“You’re delightful, Abby.”
“You just have a twisted sense of humor.” She smirked. He was beyond twisted and so was she. What a pair they made.
“We’re here.”
The announcement sent Abby into a panic. She looked around the swanky neighborhood as the black electric gate in front of them slowly swung open. It was all good and well playing the seductress with words, but they were now at Damian’s place and it was time for action. She had no idea what she was doing.
She pulled in her breath. You got this far. Don’t freak out now. It’s just sex. Her mental pep talk did nothing to calm her nerves though.
“You haven’t changed your mind, have you?” Damian asked.
“Of course not. I’m just surprised that you live in a house.”
Amusement lit his features. “Did you think I lived under a rock?”
“No! I meant ... I’d assumed you lived in a posh penthouse in the city.”
He drove up the long paved driveway until she could get a better view of the sprawling, two-story house. “I have one of those, too. I own several properties.”
Abby’s heart dropped. That meant there was no guarantee that she would find anything of importance in this particular house. There were so many holes in Celeste’s grand plan that Abby was starting to think that her mother wasn’t as smart as she thought she was. The idea of revenge was appearing more ridiculous with each passing day. She was pulled from her miserable thoughts when the car came to a stop and Damian hopped out to open her door. He held out his hand, which she wanted to ignore because there was no telling what would happen if she touched him. Her body was on an entirely different path than her mind was when it came to Damian.
To avoid suspicion, she placed her hand in his and smiled sweetly up at him, trying desperately to ignore the way his touch made her skin tingle. The car door closed and before she could blink, she was pushed against the vehicle with Damian’s body crowding her. Without warning his mouth covered hers. There was only a second of hesitation on her part until her lips parted eagerly against his. He moved closer, pressed against her, and despite the layers of clothing between them, she could feel the heat of his body seeping through her coat.
He pulled away and she was tempted to pull him back. “I wanted to do that the night we met,” he said. “I almost did. It was so tempting watching you from my dark corner, wanting to reach out, pull you against me and kiss you to find out if you tasted as sweet as you looked.”
All she could manage was to gaze at him in silence…due to the raging war taking place in her mind. Kissing Damian wasn’t supposed to be so enjoyable. She wanted more, yet she wanted to haul ass and run as far away from him as she could—to save her soul. Luckily, he didn’t realize that anything was amiss. With a slight smile, he stepped back. “Let’s get you inside. It’s freezing.”
“Wasn’t cold,” she said, still heated from their kiss.
As soon as she set foot over the threshold of Damian’s home, she knew there was no going back. As subtly as she could manage, she swept her surroundings, taking in the contemporary design of the foyer and living room. The entire set up with the expertly placed rugs, luxury furniture and blended warm colors was surprising. Either Damian had hired a stellar interior decorator or he had a woman in his life. The latter rubbed her the wrong way, when it really shouldn’t have. She had to focus. She constantly had to remind herself just what she was doing with Damian, and that was troubling.
He helped her out of her coat while she continued her inspection, wondering where she could possibly find anything of worth on him. More than likely a home office or his bedroom. “You have a lovely place, Damian.”
“Thank you. I’ll give you the tour later. My patience has worn thin.”
His low murmur, and the way his eyes dipped to the slight swell of her cleavage made her shiver. Suddenly she was all too aware that she was worlds away from every woman she’d seen on his arms in those cursed photos. He held out a hand and grinned. “I hope you don’t expect me to be a gracious host until after I’ve had a taste of you, Querida.”
“I don’t always know what you’re saying, but I love it when you speak Spanish,” she said, before clamping her mouth shut. “I meant to keep that to myself.”
He reached up to brush the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. His mouth stretched into a smug smile. “I want you to keep telling me exactly what you like.”