Page 59 of Alpha Fate
Jagger reaches out and puts a hand on my wrist. “She doesn’t remember anything about him, Gage. At least give her that.”
“Sure.” I’m rising to my feet. “I’ll give her that.” I push my chair beneath the table with measured movements. “Thanks for your time.”
“What a fuck up,” Jagger mutters as I walk away from him.
I can’t say that I’ve agreed with the man much since I’ve known him. But he’s right.
It’s a fuck up.
Chapter 20
“Honey! You made it!” Dr. Bea beams at me, patting my shoulder with an affection that seems unusual since I’ve only met the woman a couple of times. It seems that caregiving is wired into her nature.
“Hi.” Her smile is contagious, so I reflect it back at her. “Casey said you wanted me here. He woke up?”
“He did. Bit of a miracle, really. But the first thing he did when he woke up was ask for you. I figured that meant something.” Her hand is still on my arm as she guides me to the room where Edirn is recovering. “He’s still very weak,” she says gently. “Don’t expect too much from him just yet.”
I nod, steeling myself before she opens the door. The room is still dim, the lights turned down low. Edirn lies motionless in the bed, surrounded by machines quietly beeping and whirring. Bandages swaddle his head and torso. His face is a patchwork of bruises and cuts.
I ease into the chair beside him. “Edirn?” I say softly.
His eyelids flutter and slowly open. He squints against the muted light. “Savannah,” he rasps.
“I’m here.” I take his hand carefully, avoiding the tube taped to the back of it. His fingers curl weakly around mine.
“You’re…safe?” Each word is an effort for him.
“Thanks to you. I got out.”
He nods, relaxing back into the pillow. “Good…I wasn’t sure…”
“You helped me escape from that nightmare. I can never repay you for what you did.”
Edirn’s head moves slightly. “No…I should have…sooner…” His voice trails off before he continues. “Knew something…was wrong there. Should have…investigated more.”
My heart aches for him. “You got me out when it mattered most. You saved me, Edirn.”
“Sorry…” His head moves in a feeble shake. “I failed you…” His eyelids droop again.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” I insist. “You risked everything for me. I’ll never forget that.” I really won’t. His bravery when he threw himself at those rogue wolves so we could get free… That was heroic.
The corner of his mouth twitches in what might be a smile. “Just wanted…to make sure…you were alright.”
I give his hand a gentle squeeze. “I am, thanks to you.”
He’s quiet for a long moment. I think he’s drifted off again until he speaks…so softly I can barely hear. “I could hear you when you sat with me. Thank you.”
“It was nothing.” It really feels like it wasn’t. I could have done so much more. I just don’t know what.
As if he’s picked up on my thoughts, he opens his eyes, and they’re unexpectedly clear when they meet mine. “Nobody has ever cared if I lived or died before.”
Unexpected tears prick my eyes. This stoic, solitary man had clung to the sound of my voice when I sat with his unconscious form. He had needed that connection, that reminder that he meant something to someone. Anyone.
“I’ll come sit with you as often as you want,” I promise.
Another faint smile. “You’re…a good soul…Savannah…”