Page 60 of Alpha Fate
His voice trails away. His breathing evens out, and his hand goes limp in mine as he slides back into unconsciousness. I sit watching the steady rise and fall of his chest for a few minutes, wishing there was more I could do for him. I know his injuries go far deeper than just the physical wounds.
Finally, I lay his hand gently on the bed and stand. As I look down at Edirn’s battered face, I’m filled with admiration for his selfless courage. He put himself at great risk to get me out of that horrible place, not even knowing me. He deserves to heal surrounded by people who care about him, who will make him feel less alone.
“He out again?” Dr. Bea has come up behind me. I give a small start, so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice her come into the room.
“Yes.” I don’t look back at her. “I feel so awful for him.”
“I know what you mean. You’re the only one who’s actually shown any real concern for him. The others have come in for reports – the beta committee is worried about the implications of him arriving here.”
“I can’t say I’m surprised. I’m sure they think he poses a threat.”
“Do you think so?” The doctor’s eyes are probing.
“Why would my opinion matter?”
“Everyone’s opinion matters, honey. But yours more than anyone’s when it comes to that place. Do you think he’s like the others?”
I shake my head. “No. They were beasts. He was…different.”
“Then that’s good enough for me. If anyone asks, he’ll get my vote to have our support.”
“I’m glad, Doc. I think he could use a friend.”
“Probably more than one. But then again, don’t we all? How are you fitting in, Savannah? Have you been getting to know some of the others?”
“A couple.” I leave it at that.
“Anyone in particular?” Her question doesn’t seem loaded, but I can’t help wondering if it is.
“Not really. There are a lot of great people around here.” I glance down at the man on the bed. “Maybe he’ll get a chance to meet some of them, too.”
“I hope so.” Dr. Bea slides an arm around my shoulders and gives a squeeze before leading me away from the bed. With one last look at him, I turn and quietly leave the room.
“There’s something else I wanted to chat with you about,” she says as we emerge in the cozy waiting room.
“What is it?” I’m curious.
“I sent your bloodwork through to a colleague at one of the other packs closer to the city. They have contacts at a lab there, so they’ll be able to run some more intensive tests. Especially on those gadgets I got out of the pair of you. I might be able to have some answers for you and Sierra soon.”
I suck in a breath. “You think we’ll be able to figure it all out?”
“I hope so. Can’t make any promises, but at least we could get closer to the truth.”
“I’d like that.” I smile. “Sierra and I have been talking about this a lot. The more information we have, the better.”
“Well, if I can do anything to help, I’ll be happy to keep pushing.”
“Thanks, Doc. We’d appreciate that.” I’m really starting to like this female. “If anything comes up, just let me know. You’re welcome anytime.” I inject warmth into my smile. After the emotional visit, I’m drained. But this conversation makes me more determined. Sierra is going to be pleased with this news. I’ll break it to her when she gets back home later.
But before then, there’s someone else I need to talk to.
I leave the clinic feeling a new sense of purpose.
I need to talk to Gage. We left things so uncertain earlier…after what happened in the kitchen.