Page 135 of Ruthless Hunter
The door creaks opens slowly, and Layla walks in.
I straighten and stare at her, happy to see her on her feet. She still looks weak and like she's been through hell, but some color has returned to her cheeks. She also appears a little stronger.
"Hi," she says cautiously. "I hope I didn't interrupt."
She looks from me to Hunter with the same adoration I think she would've shown us on our wedding day if she'd been there.
"Not at all." I walk up to her and give her a little hug.
Hunter stands, too, and I realize they don't actually know each other. She was completely out of it by the time we brought her here, so it wasn't the time for introductions.
"Layla, this is Hunter, my husband." This is the first time I've introduced him as my husband. Everyone who knows us knows who he is. It's only she who doesn't.
Layla's eyes fill with surprise at the word husband, and then surprise turns into tears.
"You got married?" She smiles.
"Yes. There's a lot that happened while you were away."
"I'm so sorry I missed your wedding."
"No, don't apologize."
"Congratulations to you both." She looks at the two of us again, then pauses on Hunter. "And thank you. Thank you for rescuing me."
"You're most welcome."
"There's a lot to talk about." She dries her tears and glances back at me. "I didn't want to wait any longer.
"I'll let you girls talk in private," Hunter says respectfully, noticing that Layla looks as if she prefers to talk to me alone.
“Okay.” I nod.
“Call me if you need me.”
“I will.”
When he leaves us, Layla walks toward the sofa to sit. I follow and sit beside her.
“I’m guessing you must know Dad put me in that place.” She looks drained again.
“Yes. And I’ve just discovered why you told me to be careful of him.”
“I’m sorry. I know how much you love him. I used to love him like that, too.”
“Why did Dad do this to you, Layla?" I decide to jump right into the main question of the year.
"Because I found out his secrets," she replies in a hollow voice.
"What secrets?"
"That day Dad and I argued wasn't the last time I was in his house. We argued because I discovered he'd stolen money from the charity to fund his campaign."
“God.” My scalp prickles with the news, but I'm not surprised to hear it.
"I went back that same night because I was worried about you. I knew Dad was hiding more things, so I broke into his office, and what I found, oh God. I found something I wish I didn't find." She covers her mouth, and tears stream down her cheeks. The sight of her pain grips me.
"What did you find, Layla?" I prod, wanting to know more than ever. "I found a video recording of him and Mom. Luna, he killed her. He killed Mom."