Page 136 of Ruthless Hunter
I gasp as if I've been starved for air for centuries.
"No." I shake my head. "No, that can't be true."
"It's true," she cuts in, crying harder. "Mom didn't kill herself. Dad killed her, and Kimberly helped him."
The news of Kimberly is another punch to my gut, and my insides twist into knots. “Kimberly?”
"Yes. Dad has always known Kimberly. They were having an affair when he was married to Mom. They both killed her and made it look like a suicide. She was already long dead by the time you found her. Dad is evil, Luna. I found out what he did. That's why he locked me away."
Tears flow out of my eyes like the waves of a tsunami crashing down, and the last thread that held my reality together snaps.
Chapter 33
The man Dominic Bianchi is working for is called Gerhard Beauchêne, one of the richest men in France, and possibly Europe.
His business is pharmaceutical drugs, but he produces recreational drugs on the side.
The man is linked to two Mexican cartels who have been providing him with the main components of a new synthetic drug he developed a few years back. It now sells for two hundred thousand dollars a gram.
He’d been funding Dominic’s political career from the beginning with the hope to push him toward becoming governor. The mutual understanding they had was once Dominic was established in his career, he’d be Gerhard’s instrument in trafficking certain drugs to Europe, which he did.
Unfortunately, this was the information Melanie Bianchi found out.
Dominic killed her for it. He killed his wife and made it look like a suicide.
Luna told me everything through bouts of tears. I spoke to Layla as well, and when we got back to New York yesterday, we went straight to Dominic’s house and retrieved the video she discovered, which he had stashed away in his safe.
I have no idea why he’d keep such a thing—a video of his wife’s murder—but it’s become clear to me that the man is an evil psycho.
You can’t understand people like that. You can’t even try.
The video was a surveillance recording of him torturing Melanie to find out what information she knew. I’m not sure where they were, but they seemed to be in a house somewhere. Melanie was tied to a bed.
Kimberly was in the video administering injections that would make Melanie scream every time she received a dose. I don’t know what they were, but they seemed to do something to her nerves.
That’s how they got her to talk and confirm what she knew. The sickening thing was watching her die, then Dominic kissing her on her forehead and telling her he’d love her forever.
I didn’t particularly want Luna to watch the video at all because I knew it was going to be difficult, but I didn’t realize it was going to be that fucked up.
Layla said her father caught her watching the video. He couldn’t kill her, so he had her locked away.
Jericho and I were also able to confirm that Kane found out Dominic was working for Gerhard Beauchêne, and that’s why he had him killed.
The mystery is solved, but the nightmare is far from over. My wife now has to live with an unexpected painful truth that her father is a monster.
As relieved as she is that Layla has been found, I know she’s broken inside.
I’ve just tried to be there for her in whatever way I can.
Deep down, I’m glad she won’t remember me as the man who destroyed her father. It turned out that crazy motherfucker destroyed himself.
There’s only one more thing left to do—expose him.
Which we’re doing tonight.
Dominic returned from his vacation yesterday. He has a rally at the New York City Hall tonight.