Page 5 of Ruthless Hunter
“Maybe.” Ryan’s family owns a farm in Vermont, so being out of range is entirely possible. Except he was supposed to be here.
Everything is so weird. I know I got a lot of things wrong last night, but I definitely didn’t get the dates mixed up. It was only yesterday that Ryan messaged to tell me he’d be here.
“Emily, I feel like such a fool.”
“No. Don’t think like that. Here’s what you do: don’t dwell on what happened. It’s just a misunderstanding, and there’s nothing you can do about it."
“But I’m going to be so embarrassed when I see that guy again.”
“Of course, but maybe just apologize then forget about it. He’s a guy, and you’re beautiful. I’m sure he wasn’t complaining.” She laughs.
I sulk again, knowing exactly what she means but not wanting to see the funny side because it feels like my special moment was ruined.
“Think of Ryan instead.” There’s a smile in Emily’s voice that makes me feel lighter. “He’s home, Luna. You guys could finally be together.”
Those magic words do the trick and make me feel better. “We can.”
“Great. I have to dash, but keep me updated. In any event, I’ll see you in a few days.”
“Sure. Go, have fun with Aiden. Thanks again for calling.”
“Of course. Speak later.”
We hang up, and I at least feel better for releasing some of my worries.
Emily is five years older than me and we’ve always been close, but I feel like I’ve come to rely on her more now that things have changed with Ryan. I also see her all the time at work, so we talk more than ever. Like me, she wanted to work for Mom’s charity, but she’s into research. I work in the marketing and fundraising department.
I guess I’m relying on Emily more too, because Layla isn’t around.
I love my sister to death and beyond but she's the wildest person I've ever met in my life.
Layla is the same age as Emily but we’re as different as the sun and the moon. She’s the rebel while I’m the peacemaker. She’s also unpredictable and unreliable.
Layla is always off somewhere in some country doing God knows what with some guy or two, but her latest disappearing act has lasted for a little over five months.
She started that off with a yoga retreat in the Maldives that should have lasted for two months, but she hasn’t returned yet. It would be more worrying if we weren’t used to her antics. Last time Layla took off she was away for four months. Dad found her in New Zealand.
We’ve assumed that, in typical Layla style, she’s decided to extend her stay in the Maldives. Especially since she and Dad had the worst argument ever just before she left.
I wasn’t in the room with them but I heard some of the stuff they said to each other. It was horrendous. If Mom were still alive she would have been ashamed of the way Layla spoke to Dad.
The last thing Layla said to me before she took off was that I needed to be careful around Dad. That was it, then she was gone.
Despite numerous phone calls and messages, no one has been able to reach her since. It’s been shittier for me because I was supposed to move in with her after college while I figured out where I was going to live. I wanted to get a place by the beach but I’ve been holding off and staying here in my childhood bedroom, waiting to see what might transpire with Ryan once he got home.
Last night was a disaster, but I suppose I still have him.
It doesn’t matter that another man got to see me naked before he did.
Even though that man did all sorts of strange, unwanted things to my mind.
I blame it on the deadly combo of him seeing me naked and the way he touched my cheek.
It was too intimate, and I hate that he did it because he realized my mistake well before I did. To me, he was my Ryan, until he wasn’t.
What an asshole. Of course, the whole thing was my mistake but he was to blame too. He was a total creep.
I wonder how he knows Dad. Most of the men who work with my father are older. Ryan will be the youngest in his office. That guy looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties.