Page 6 of Ruthless Hunter
What is he doing now?
Hopefully forgetting me.
Suddenly I hear the front door open, then Dad and Kimberly’s voices.
They’re back. But is the guy with them?
A flush of heat races through my blood at the thought of seeing him again. I could stay up here, but I have to leave for work in an hour. I also want to find out what happened to Ryan.
Eagerly I listen. From where I am I can’t always pick up specific conversation, but I can hear some.
Another few minutes of keen listening assures me that my parents are alone and the house guest isn’t with them.
With that assurance I decide it’s safe to go downstairs, so I leave my room, making my way down the steps carefully and cautiously.
I find Dad and Kimberly in the dining room sitting around the long mahogany table.
In his charcoal suit Dad looks like he’s already ready to leave again for work. Not a strand of his black and gray cropped hair is out of place, and the air is filled with the authority he commands as a senator.
Kimberly looks first-lady-ready in her black business dress and her auburn hair rolled into an immaculate chignon.
Jenna, our maid, is serving them coffee that smells like it’s calling to me. When she greets me with the same warm smile she’s given me since I was a kid, I return it.
“Morning, everyone,” I say.
“Morning, sweetheart,” Dad replies, his greeting giving me added reassurance that he doesn’t know anything about last night. Kimberly is also smiling at me. That’s another good sign.
Jenna pours a cup of coffee and hands it to me.
“Thanks.” I take the cup and sip straight away. The coffee is hot but after my sleepless night I need some caffeine to give me energy.
“I’ll have a full breakfast ready in a few minutes,” Jenna says.
“That sounds great, thank you.”
Jenna leaves, and I return my focus to Dad and Kimberly.
"Are you okay?" Kimberly asks, looking me over with concern. “You look a little flustered.”
“I’m fine.” I plaster on a smile and try to act as cool as I usually am. “What happened to Ryan? I thought he was going to be here last night.”
"Ryan was delayed in Vermont.” Dad rests his hands on the table and sets his shoulders back. “He had some extra work to do on the farm. He won't be around until Friday."
“Oh, okay.” Emily was right. Ryan would definitely have been out of range if he had farm duties. But Friday? That seems like forever. It’s only Tuesday now.
I try to hide my disappointment because I want to ask about the guy. “There was a man in the guest house. Is he one of your associates?”
On hearing my question Dad glances cautiously at Kimberly before returning his gaze to me. "He is, so to speak.” There’s a slight edge of uneasiness in his voice and he wears an awkward expression that looks strange on him. “Why don’t you sit, Luna? I have something important to discuss with you in regards to him."
Oh God.
My first thought is that Dad must know about what happened last night, but I quickly realize it can’t be that. Even if I am the Goody Two-Shoes sister, if Dad wanted to talk to me about that we’d already be talking about it.
I also don’t think it’s anything to do with the charity. I speak with a lot of investors and donors who come from Dad’s connections. If the discussion was to do with the charity, I feel like I would have known about that already too.
So, what is it?
“You want to talk to me about him?” I raise my brows.