Page 43 of Ace
“I’m Steel. That’s Kai,” the one who’d grabbed him said. “Why don’t you have a seat?”
He shook his head.
“No. I?” A gasp tore from his lips. “Dennis.”
He took off in a run. He’d never run so slow in his life. He was barely jogging, and his head was swimming.
When he reached the firetruck, he ran his gaze over his colleagues there. They looked shaken, but they were all in one piece. Cap was crouched down in front of Finn who was sitting on the ground, looking more distressed than hurt.
Movement to his right had him snapping his head in that direction. The first thing he saw was the beige jacket, the second was Ollie’s pale face. A sigh of relief escaped him, and he set off toward him. He crashed into Ollie who wrapped his arms around him.
“What the hell happened?” Kody asked, leaning back but keeping a hold of Ollie’s arms.
“I’m pretty sure your boyfriend saved all our lives,” Ollie said, his voice trembling.
That didn’t make any sense. If he had, then why…?
“Why did they arrest him?”
Ollie blinked at him. “Because he killed the guy?”
“It’s the only reason we got Dennis out of here fast enough to give him a chance.”
“Holy shit.”
He let go of Ollie who patted him on the shoulder before taking off toward the others, leaving Kody alone with his thoughts.
Taking in all that information was hard. Almost impossible. Which was why he pushed it to the back of his mind and focused on something else. Someone else.
He walked up to a cop who was talking to some of the bikers. Her name was Mia. He’d met her a few times because she was dating Justin, one of their paramedics.
“Hey. I need a word,” he said to her.
She turned around and motioned him closer.
“You alright? Looked like you were in shock back there.”
“I… I’m not sure. But that girl? Luna? She was terrified of the shooter. I think she was kidnapped or maybe even trafficked. She had bruises around her wrists.”
Mia’s eyes widened. “Shit. Okay. I’m gonna call in some protection for her.”
“Thank you.”
She gave him a nod and took off toward her colleagues.
It took him a moment to realize he was surrounded by bikers. He ran his gaze over them. They looked way more put together than anyone else there. Granted, they weren’t the ones who’d gotten shot at.
He recognized one of them from the crash and standing next to him was a teenage boy and he’d already met Steel and Kai.
“I’ve seen Ace do a lot of stupid shit,” Steel said with a shake of his head. “But this takes the fucking cake.”
“Guess he really is in love, then,” the kid grumbled.
Kody didn’t know what to do with himself, so he sat his ass down on the ground and dropped his head into his hands.
How was any of this real? How had he gone from arriving at a car crash, to being shot at, to his boyfriend being arrested for killing someone? It was surreal. It was insane.