Page 44 of Ace
A hand on his shoulder had him looking up at Steel.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
As much as he wanted to believe that, he didn’t know how.
He wasn’t going to talk because he knew he’d accidentally say something he shouldn’t have and that wouldn’t end well for him or his brothers and maybe even for Kody. He wasn’t going to risk Kody. Ever. He didn’t know if he was about to be locked away for good, but he did know it’d be worth it. Kody being alive was worth throwing his life away for.
He’d never been arrested before, but he knew he’d have to be processed and read his rights. Neither had happened yet. They’d just stuck him in an interrogation room. What that meant, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t dare believe it was something good.
He had road rash all along his arm and it burned like hell. His helmet and cut had taken the brunt of it, but his shirt was completely ruined, as was the side of his pants.
The door opened and a man stepped inside. He had a short beard and black glasses that only highlighted the glare in the man’s eyes.
“Mr. Talbot. I’m Detective Boscoe.”
“Am I under arrest?”
“Not as of right now. I do need to take your statement, though.”
Boscoe sat down and dropped a pad and pen onto the table. He pulled out a phone and pressed record, then stated a few things before asking, “What were you doing there, Mr. Talbot?”
“You mean aside from saving your colleagues’ lives?”
“Yes,” he ground out, scowling at Ace.
“I was at the bar. We saw the firetruck drive past and then we heard the gunshots.” That memory had his hands shaking so he pulled them into his lap. “We all ran outside and got on our bikes. I got there first.”
Boscoe wrote something down, then looked up at him and said, “The bar you were at is called Sanctuary, correct?”
“And you decided to drive toward gunfire? Have I understood that right?”
“Isn’t that what I just said?”
“I’m just trying to confirm,” Boscoe said, looking at Ace with what he could only describe as scorn.
If the guy was trying to catch him in a lie, he was shit out of luck. He was only going to give him the facts and nothing more. The only thing they were getting him on was the shooting itself because his gun was registered and he’d had his license on him.
“Yes, I drove toward the gunfire because it came from the same direction that my boyfriend’s firetruck was in.”
Boscoe’s brows hit his hairline which he found impressive considering it was receding.
“I’m sorry, your boyfriend?”
Ace was trying very hard not to give in to the urge to slam his fist into the man’s face.
“My boyfriend’s a firefighter. His name’s Kody Haine.”
Boscoe nodded slowly.
“So, you intended to kill the shooter to save your boyfriend?”
Ace scowled at him. “No. I intended to keep my boyfriend safe. The only way I could do that was to shoot that asshole.”
“So, you did intend to kill him.”