Page 79 of Ace
He’d been prepared to argue with Ares and Griff about Kody coming along but before he’d even gotten a word out, Kody had told them in no uncertain terms that he was going whether they liked it or not. His man was strong and resourceful. He also hadn’t been wrong when he’d told them that having a firefighter who was trained in first aid wasn’t a bad thing to have on any of their missions. Ares had given him a one-time pass which Ace appreciated. He didn’t want Kody to go with them on their usual missions. Kody already had a dangerous job. There was no use in tempting fate more than they already did.
They pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building just behind the one Luna and Eve were being held in. They dismounted their bikes, leaving them running in case they had to split fast. Griff instantly named RK as bike-watcher, making the man grumble and shake his head at his boyfriend.
Guns were checked as well as their comms units before Ares gave the go signal and they started heading out of the parking lot. Kody went to follow, but he grabbed him by the arm to hold him back.
“We’re staying here until we get the all-clear,” he said.
Kody frowned at him. “You’re not going in?”
“I’m not risking anything happening to you while I’m in there.”
Kody opened his mouth, but Ace cut him off before he could argue.
“We’re in a residential area with lots of people who might call the cops. They have to be stealthy in there. Even Digger’s on standby.”
“Our sniper.”
Kody’s eyes widened and he spluttered, “You have a sniper?”
“Yep. Best there is.”
“Whoa.” Kody blinked at him for a long moment, then shook his head. “You’re like a full-on military team.”
“Well, I guess. Only a few of my brothers served but we have been getting training from some people that did.”
“The Kings?”
He nodded. They’d learned a lot from them. They’d not only taken them under their wing and taught them better techniques to do what they did, but they’d also given them a purpose. One he appreciated every day.
“I wish Kai was here. He’d get it done quick and quiet,” he mumbled.
“Kai’s the assassin?”
“Yeah. Oh, right. You met him, didn’t you?”
At Kody’s stiff nod, he said, “Not so scary, huh?”
“Actually, I think he’s scarier than I thought.”
Ace’s chuckle had Kody aiming a glare his way.
“Why isn’t he here?”
“He’s with the kids and Steel at the shelter. He prefers not to have anything to do with killing anymore.”
He wrapped his arms around Kody, cheek resting on top of Kody’s head as they waited. It wasn’t long before he heard his brothers through his earpiece. He’d muted his own to not distract them, but it was weird only being able to hear them and not be with them. He guessed that was kind of how Digger felt, too. Though he could see most of what was happening through the scope of his rifle. Ace could just hear what they were relaying in his ear.
“Where are you going?” Chris asked.
“Just a hunch,” Diesel said.
He could hear Chris sigh and then he said, “Go in without us.”
“Copy that,” Ares said and then everything went silent.
“Are they there yet?” Kody asked, looking up at him with a mix of fear and hope in his eyes.