Page 80 of Ace
He brushed his fingers across Kody’s cheek.
It wasn’t more than a few seconds later when he heard them enter the building.
“Breach on three,” Ares said, keeping his voice low.
He held his breath for those three seconds and then tensed up at the shouting he heard, only breathing a sigh of relief when there were no gunshots.
“Ace. We need you and Kody inside,” Griff’s voice came through his earpiece.
“Fuck,” he hissed.
His heart was in his throat as he followed Ace into the building. He was used to working with cops and yeah, sometimes they had their guns drawn or needed to secure a scene before firefighters and paramedics could enter. But that was so very different from seeing his boyfriend with a gun.
Ace had told him to hold onto his shirt and he was clutching it so tight he was sure he’d end up ripping the fabric.
They climbed a flight of stairs and then headed down a long hallway. Someone was standing almost at the end of the hall and when he peeked around Ace, he could see that it was one of the Disciples.
He looked up when they neared and said, “All clear. She’s in there.”
He motioned to the open apartment door across from him and Kody had to remind himself not to let go of Ace or he would’ve run right in there.
As they stepped inside, the big open room they entered was filled with people. The Disciples but also two men who were on the floor, hands and feet zip-tied together. One of the Disciples waved them over and they followed him into a bedroom.
In the far corner was a girl huddled up, knees against her chest and her head down. He let go of Ace and ran toward her.
He crouched down in front of her and slowly put his hand on her knee. She looked up, tears in her eyes.
“It’s okay.”
“You came for me?” She asked, the disbelief in her voice killing him.
“Of course, I did. I promised you I’d keep you safe, didn’t I?”
She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. He hugged her tight, relief flooding him with the knowledge that she would be alright. Her and Eve were safe now.
He jerked back, looking up at the Disciple that had led them into the room.
“Where’s the baby?”
“Wasn’t here,” he said with a shrug.
“Fuck,” Ace muttered under his breath. He got down in front of Luna. “Do you know where they took Eve?”
Luna shook her head. “He left with her right before you got here. They’d been waiting for something. Or someone. Please find her?”
Kody squeezed Luna’s hand. If they hadn’t gotten there when they did, he wasn’t so sure Luna would still be alive. Not when they’d gotten what they wanted.
Two gunshots had them all dropping low, Ace throwing himself over Kody and Luna. Kody’s heart was beating like crazy, and he felt frozen as the memory of different gunshots rang inside his head. It took his breath away.
He knew Luna had to be going through the same thing, so he held on tighter to her.