Page 81 of Ace
“Here. Put that on,” Ace said.
He looked up to find that Ace had pulled off his bulletproof vest and was draping it over Luna.
“Ace,” he gasped out, trying hard not to hyperventilate.
“Stay,” Ace ordered, then took off out of the room.
He held onto Luna while he listened. There were voices. Too low to distinguish what they were saying, but he didn’t hear more gunshots.
He pulled Luna behind him when footsteps sounded outside the room, getting louder as they neared. Diesel stepped inside, something bundled up in his arms and it took him a good second or two before he realized that it was Eve.
“Eve,” Luna yelled and got up, running up to Diesel to take her daughter.
Kody got up slowly, his heart beating wildly in his chest. Adrenaline, he was sure.
Ace stepped through the door, clapping Diesel on the back, and said, “One hell of a hunch.”
Diesel shrugged. “When you’re looking for a stolen baby and see someone shady carrying a car seat, you check it out.”
“Thank you,” Luna said. “Thank you so much.”
“It’s what we do,” Diesel said with a nod to her, then put a hand on her back to lead her out of the room.
Ace looked at Kody and he felt a wave of relief flooding him as well as joy. Immense joy.
When Ace stalked toward him, he opened his arms and let Ace pull him against his chest. He held on for dear life, eyes falling shut as he took his first easy breath in days.
They were finally safe. All of them.
IT HAD been six weeks without danger. Six weeks of coming home to Kody. Every time Kody had four days off work they’d spent most of that time in bed. They’d also spent some of that time with family and friends. They’d even gone bowling with Cora and Ollie. Cora had dominated that lane. She’d also laid claim to Ollie’s heart. Not that the man seemed to mind. In fact, they seemed pretty damn happy together.
The Kings were still working on dismantling the traffickers who had kidnapped and impregnated all those women. Last he heard, some wealthy and well-known people were involved. Not that he was surprised by that.
Chris had helped smooth out Luna and Eve’s disappearance with the cops. They hadn’t been too happy about it what with her being a witness and all, but Chris’ old boss made sure no one asked too many questions about it.
It felt like the dust had finally settled and while he absolutely hated that Kody’s work put him in dangerous situations, he was really fucking proud of him. Proud to call Kody his boyfriend.
He pulled into the driveway and turned off his bike, then headed for the front door with a smile on his face because he knew Kody was inside.
When he stepped through the door, Kody appeared in the hallway, eyes darkening the second he saw him. Ace pulled off his jacket but never got to hang it up because Kody wrapped his arms around him, mouth seeking out his, so he dropped it to the floor so he could get his hands on Kody.
He was absolutely filthy coming home from work but that didn’t seem to bother Kody who simply dragged him upstairs and into the shower.
“I was thinking we could try today,” he said, hands running down Kody’s back to grab his ass and pull him closer. “I think I’ve had enough lessons.”
Kody sucked Ace’s earlobe between his teeth and bit down, then whispered, “You want me to fuck you?”
Ace hummed.
“Let’s get out of this damned shower, then,” Kody said, reaching behind Ace to turn off the water.
Kody stepped out of the shower to grab towels for them. He threw one at Ace who grabbed it and spent less than two seconds running it over his body before he dropped it on the floor and grabbed Kody’s hand to drag him into the bedroom.
He got on the bed and laid down, looking up at Kody as he crawled between his legs. Kody ran his heated gaze down Ace’s body, tongue poking out to lick his lips.