Page 11 of Walk of Shame
After what feels like an eternity, he nods. “All right then.” He stands. “Enjoy your vacation.”
He turns and walks away.
I swallow the sudden tears that rise in my throat.
I will not cry.
It’s over. That’s fine, because all Christopher was meant to be was a fun distraction to fill up my lonely night. In the end, I’m doing the right thing by letting him go.
That’s why I came here, to change.
I can’t melt into a pool of liquid heat and go to dinner with him. I can’t break the vows I’d made to myself. Especially for him, a younger guy with whom I have no future, no matter how he makes me feel. Besides, he probably just wants another night of crazy sex.
This has to be a test. There’s no other option.
I’d done the right thing.
Tomorrow will be better.
My eyes well.
I will not cry. I’m done crying over guys.
I’m strong. I can do this. I have to learn to be alone.