Page 38 of Walk of Shame
I clutch my phone, my shoulders shaking as I sob, staring into the vast ocean. I have to go soon. My flight is in four hours, the first available, and I have to force myself to move from this spot.
But I can’t. I’m not ready.
Because I know once I move, life is going to take over, and all this will end. It will be like a dream that never happened.
The universe, it appears, only has a short respite in mind for me. After I’d fallen into an exhausted sleep I’d woken by the sound of my phone going off. My stomach sank, because at four in the morning, I’d known it hadn’t been good news.
It was my mom, my dad suffered a minor heart attack and he was in the hospital. The doctor said he was going to be okay, but I can tell by the tremble of her voice she’s scared.
So it’s time to go. My family—my dad—needs me.
I need to be with them. But I know what it means.
This time with Christopher has come to an end. I’m not going to be given the luxury of the rest of the week.
I need to go and he needs to stay.
Now I need to make my feet move. All I need to do is take the steps. I need to pack. And then I need to say goodbye.
I’m not going to slink away this time. I’m going to face Christopher, because my feelings deserve that. At least I’ve learned that much in this brief time. I might be destined to pick men I can’t have, but I’m done pretending to play some stupid game in order to trap them into staying with me.
Someone grips my arm and swings me around.
I scream, fling out my hand in instinct to ward him off, only for my other wrist to be restrained.
Heart pounding out of my chest, I look up into Christopher’s angry face. “Ashley.”
As soon as my stomach leaps with joy, I promptly burst into tears.
His brow furrows but he pulls me close and wraps his arms tight around me. “Baby, what’s wrong? Tell me so I can fix it.”
It’s so like him. What makes him so wonderful. I need to step away but I can’t yet, because he makes me feel safe. Like I can do anything as long as he’s with me.
Which is crazy, but true.
He rubs my back in slow, soothing circles. “Ssshhhh. Tell me what’s wrong.”
I think I love him.
I don’t trust it, or me, because I’m so foolish when it comes to my feelings, but I know I’ve never felt anything like this before. All the years I wasted on Trevor are just that—a waste—nothing compared to Christopher.
I hiccup against his chest and burrow in closer. “M-my d-dad had a heart attack.”
Immediately he stiffens.
Tears fall down my cheeks as I steel myself. I didn’t want to tell him because I know how responsible he is, and I don’t want him to be obligated.
“Ash, Christ, I’m sorry.” He kisses the top of my head and then he goes directly into doctor mode. “Tell me everything you know about his condition. Where is he? Who’s the doctor? I’ll call Cam and we’ll find out if we can get him moved to make sure he has the best care.”
Cameron, Christopher’s oldest brother is a cardiologist, one of the best heart surgeons in the city.
I pull Christopher closer. “They live in Ohio. He’s okay. It was minor and they say he’s going to be all right if he does what he’s supposed to do, but my mom is scared. I need to go be with them. My plane is in four hours. I need to get packed so I can leave.”
He tilts my chin and forces me to look into his handsome face. “You scared me. I thought you’d left again.” He kisses me. “Let’s go. We’ll figure out what needs to be done, we’ll get him moved to Chicago and I promise between my father and brother he will get the best care money can buy.”
“Thank you.” I suck in a breath and blow it out. This is it. I don’t want it to come, but here it is. I need to let him off the hook. “You’re so sweet, but you need to stay and finish your conference. This isn’t your problem. He’ll be okay, my dad’s a fighter and he’ll make it. You don’t have to worry about me. Stay and have fun.”